Friday, January 3, 2020

Alcohol And Its Effects On Psychological And Physical Levels

Alcohol is integrated into every part of American society, from the media to basic social interaction. Alcohol is so ingrained into culture that it has become an indication of status, a declaration of membership, a gender-based choice, and a rite of passage (SIRC, 2014). Adolescents growing up in an environment in which alcohol is so prevalent are bound to experiment, and this has become an expectation. However, drinking impacts minors negatively on psychological and physical levels, and early use can greatly affect use later in life. The United States has employed many programs to advocate abstinence from alcohol use and abuse, designing these programs by age group. However, these programs must always be improved to compete with alcohol†¦show more content†¦Alcohol has become linked to personal attributes such as attractiveness, sociability, adventure, and romance. In addition, many teenagers seek out alcohol for many different reasons, including self-esteem boosts, social ease and comfort, self-medication, boredom, and rebellion. Oftentimes, minors do not associate their drinking with doing something inherently bad for them- unless they have seen the negative effects of alcohol up close, the short term effects are easily dismissible in the face of social and internal pressures. Approximately 40 percent of people who started drinking before age 15 described their drinking behavior in ways consistent with a diagnosis for alcohol dependence (Johns Hopkins, 2007). Only 10% of people who waited until after 21 could claim the same. It is proven that early alcohol use by young people are at an increased risk of alcoholism later in life. Alcohol is also a depressant, regular drinking lowers serotonin levels in the brain (Drinkaware, 2016). Drinkers of any age who attempt to use alcohol as a coping mechanism tend to find out that alcohol merely makes stress worse. Drinking casually with a friend or drinking a glass of wine after work may seem relaxing, but over time, even this takes its toll. In addition, those who drink are at an extreme risk of being sexually assaulted and having unprotected sex, which may lead to an unwanted pregnancy. When looking at the effects of alcohol from an emotional

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