Monday, January 27, 2020
Preventing Cardiovascular, Diabetes, and Cancer (CDC) Strips
Preventing Cardiovascular, Diabetes, and Cancer (CDC) Strips Novel Strategies Halt Cardiovascular, Diabetes, and Cancer Strips Summary Since the authors found firstly there are cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancers (CDC) strips and disclosed their mechanisms, classifications and clinical significances, there is an arising problem how to prevent and halt CDC strips. Fortunately, the authors had already developed new strategies which based previous works for the prevention of coronary heart disease (CVD), cardiovascular events (CVEs) and healthcare, etc. These novel strategies, which including sleep, emotion, exercise and diet intervention (SEEDi), E (e)nvironment + SEED intervention [E (e)SEEDi] and even Hu’s healthy lifestyles[E (e)SEED-BasED ones] intervention (HHLi), also called â€Å"Chinese vaccine†or â€Å"hero for human health (H.H.H)†, as the core elements of â€Å"Grade 210 prevention†, play an important role in the prevention and management of human chronic non-communicable disease (NCD) when combined with RT-ABCDEF strategy, for example, obesity-OSA-hypertension (OOH) sy ndrome, C-type hypertension (CtH) and sudden cardiac death (SCD), and especially in halting CDC strips the authors discovered. Keywords: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, prevention, healthy lifestyles Since the authors found firstly there are cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes and cancers strips and named them CDC strips, and disclosed further their mechanisms, classifications and clinical significances,1 there is an arising problem how to prevent and halt CDC strips. In this article, with several conceptual and technical breakthrough, the authors will introduce several novel strategies which were developed based on previous work for effectively preventing and halting CDC strips.2-6 The authors have already developed new strategies in previous works for the prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD), cardiovascular events (CVEs) and healthcare ( These novel strategies, which based on sleep, emotion, exercise and diet (SEED) intervention, was also called â€Å"Chinese vaccine†or â€Å"hero for human health (H.H.H)†. As the core elements of â€Å"Grade 210 prevention†, they play an important role in the prevention and management of human non-infectious chronic disease (NCD) when combined with RT-ABCDEF strategy,5 for example, sudden cardiac death (SCD) and obesity-OSA-hypertension (OOH) syndrome Dr. Chun-Song Hu and Prof. Da-Yi Hu discovered and first named,7 especially in halting CDC strips. Introduction of Novel strategies Since healthy â€Å"SEED†rulers were developed in 2005 according to great clinical experiences, authors conducted positively these novel strategies in clinical for primary and secondary preventions of CVD, CVEs and healthcare, and cited the related article,2, 3, 6 then developed further into â€Å"E (e)SEED†due to the important role of environment. Together with Prof. Sheng-Shou Hu, these new strategies were still developed into more novel â€Å"E (e)SEED-BasED†healthy lifestyles by innovated idea, and named â€Å"Hu’s healthy lifestyles (HHL)†in 2009. The key tips of these strategies for NCDs, especially CDC strips are showed as follows (Table 1). 2. Novel strategies for the early evaluation of RFs CVD is the number one killer and a leading cause of death in the world. There was 17.5 million death cases every year, which bring a big burden and great challenge for public health. Moreover, it plays a key role in the development of CDC strips. Single gene defects, target diseases have now come to include multi-genetic and multi-factorial diseases, such as CVD, neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons disease, T2DM or T1DM, and human cancer, especially CDC strips. Therefore, to screen and evaluate early CV status is very important to the prediction and prevention of CVEs and CDC strips. Both previous experimental and clinical studies confirmed the role of single factor in the development of human disease. However, little is known about multi-factors’ role (more than 5 to10, even 20 or more). The authors developed Chinese E (e)SEED-BasED score (CEBS) according to â€Å"E (e)SEED-BasED†healthy lifestyle. These healthy elements and related RFs play a very important role in human health. That is to say, if people intervene early with these RFs, they can keep effectively from CDC strips. As showed in last table, the authors have already developed these new strategies for better healthcare. In Round 3 application of GCE project (, authors further developed a novel strategy that was based on a QA list and CEBS (Table 2). According to CEBS, people can determine CDC strips hazard levels from low, moderate to high, thus, adopt effective measures including follow-up, and intervention with SEED, E (e)SEED or HHL, these are SEEDi, E (e)SEEDi, or HHLi. The authors believe CEBS will be better for the early evaluation of NCDs, especially CDC strips based on previous work and this creative idea. Here, the authors may compare easily with other scores, such as QRISK a new CVD risk score for the United Kingdom,8-11 Framingham CVD algorithm (FA) and Scottish score (ASSIGN) (Table 2). These scores focus on standard, common, classic, multiple modifiable or non-modifiable (eg. positive family history) RFs, but the authors think that CEBS is advantaged, validated, global with 15 classifications of core RFs. 3. RT-ABCDEF strategy and Grade 210 prevention for NCDs or CDC strips RT-ABCDEF strategy developed in previous work is very suitable for the management and prevention of human disease,5 especially NCDs or CDC strips. The key tips as follows (Table 3): As we all known, early prevention is the best choice of treatment. Efforts to achieve the ambitious goals of Healthy China or World 2020 require new synthetic strategies for delivering healthy policy, primary and secondary prevention. Here the authors named it â€Å"Grade 210 prevention†. Due to HHL containing preventive and care strategies for these core RFs, it’s core elements of â€Å"Grade 210 prevention†. Therefore, it’s worthy of conducting and application in the global nations, not just healthcare providers and medical organizations. Of course, collaborative efforts among governments, private healthcare providers, insurers, policymakers, nonprofit organizations, and the global public are necessary for â€Å"Grade 210 prevention†. Generally speaking, it’s a synthetic core strategy of healthcare for everyone or anyone and from birth to death. 4. SEEDi, E (e)SEEDi or HHLi for CDC strips Most of patients with NCDs, including chronic heart failure (CHF), particularly those with more severe HF, and T2DM or T1DM, need the option of palliative care as assessed by symptom burden, depression, and spiritual well-being just as advanced cancer patients do.12 That is to say, palliative care is effective on most of CDC strips. The development of CDC strips results from the shared many RFs related to lifestyles according to the authors’ â€Å"Bad SEED†+/- â€Å"bad soil†Theory or Doctrine.1 Thus, it needs synthetic strategies to prevent and control the development of CDC strips. Therapeutic lifestyles interventions, such as SEEDi, E (e)SEEDi or HHLi , which based on E (e)SEED-BasED lifestyles, eg. HHLi related rational drug interventions (Table 4), can significantly improve nutrition and physical activity behavior and can reduce many of the RFs associated with common NCDs, especially CDC strips. The authors think that it was very useful and effective to most of CDC strips in the global. Therefore, people may call it â€Å"Chinese vaccine†or â€Å"hero for human health (H.H.H)†. It may help reducing in morbidity and mortality of CDC strips. For example, among 74,607 men and women, aged 60 or more, without CHD, stroke, or cancer at enrolment, the Mediterranean diet, modified so as to apply across Europe, was associated with increased survival among older people and is associated with longer life expectancy among elderly Europeans.13 These results also help explain the role of SEEDi, E (e)SEEDi or HHLi. â€Å"Rainbow diet†we conducted in HHL is also very helpful due to balanced nutrition. For example, coffee consumption was verified to be helpful in the prevention of NCDs,14 including CDC strips. Besides, green tea and grape are also useful foods as interventional choice of diets, because increasing consumption of vegetables and fruits may elevate the levels of anti-oxidative components.15 According to updated study in Nature,16 diet is the main factor which linked with gut microbial ecology and health because unbalanced dietary nutrients can cause intestinal inflammation, and induce human aged. Another clinical t rial showed that both walking and vigorous exercise are associated with substantial reductions in the incidence of cardiovascular events among postmenopausal women.17 Yuga, Chinese Taiji and Qigong are also useful physical activity for the prevention of CDC strips. As a part of HHLi, rational drug choice also plays an important role in initiation, progression, treatment and prevention of NCDs, especially in effectively halting the development of CDC strips. These drugs include aspirin (ASA),18, 19 ACEI/ARB, CCB, cannabidiol (CBD)20 and coenzyme Q-10,21 as well as others. Several animal experiments and clinical trials showed, as chemo protective agents, statins (pravastatin, rosuvastatin) did not only prevent and decrease CHD and CVEs,22, 23 and not indicate an increase in over all cancer risk (simvastatin, pravastatin),24, 25 but also be protective against the development of DM and various cancers (lung cancer,26 pancreatic cancer,27 RCC,28 colon cancer29) , and PCOS (atorvastatin) (Table 4).30 That is to say, statins may help preventing and halting CDC strips. Glutathione (GSH) plays important roles in antioxidant defense, nutrient metabolism, and regulation of cellular events, and its deficiency contributes to oxidative stress, aging and the pathogenesis of many diseases,31 of course, including NCDs, especially CDC strips. Thus, the authors think that GSH is an effective cytoprotective chemo agent for treating NCD,32, 33 such as CDC strips (Table 4). As essential and critical trace elements and antioxidants, studies have indicated that selenium and zinc may play a role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and be useful for secondary prevention of CHD.34-36 However, their deficiency associated with numerous diseases including CVD, DM, and cancer.37, 38 Hence, these antioxidants may be useful as therapeutic agents for CDC strips. Besides, Vit D and n-3 fatty acids,39 and Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM),40-45 eg. Ginseng, Barbary Wolfberry fruit, Cordyceps militaris, Ganoderma lucidum, SR10 and Astragalus are also very helpful in the preventive of CDC strips (Table 4). Of course, when people dedicated to reducing morbidity and mortality from CDC strips, enhanced collaboration is critical because CDC strips share many RFs and opportunities for prevention, eg, by assessing and regularly updating an individual’s family history. As to a positive history of family, eg, patients with CHD and T2DM or cancer, just like successful gene therapies,46, 47 RNAi or knockout technology is a new choice when all strategies are no use, but need to evaluate its early and late effects as our trials.48, 49 At the same time, it still need to make sure the protection of some genes,50-52 not just medical hypotheses. Moreover, it’s necessary to identifies susceptibility loci when began RNAi or knockout technology.53, 54 An updated research showed that an intensive lifestyle intervention focusing on weight loss did not reduce the rate of CVEs in overweight or obese adults with T2DM.55 This confirmed that it needs comprehensive strategies, just like SEEDi, E (e )SEEDi, or HHLi, for CVD, T2DM, cancers, of course, including CDC strips, not just focusing on weight loss. Some times, it even needs RNAi. One of the authors’ goals is to stimulate substantial improvements in Grade 210 prevention, and early detection through collaboration between key organizations, greater public awareness about HHL, legislative action that results in funding and staff for and access to China Center of Research and Development for Hu’s Healthy Lifestyles (CCRDHHL, a preparatory organization we expect and an effective platform for prevention, early detection, and treatment of NCDs, especially CDC strips, programs and research, and emphasis of a series of new concepts authors conducted, and meets the need for curriculum-based health education regarding â€Å"the Grade 210 prevention†and motivation of people to incorporate HHL practices into their daily lives. 5. Clinical practice in CDC strips OOH syndrome the authors found and first named in 2006 is one of classic NCD and a synthetic killer which including 3 independent risk factors and characterized by â€Å"a shaped and sounded killer at night, but a shaped and no sounded killer at day†. According to the authors’ preliminary clinical data (manuscript not published yet), it’s high risk to occur T2DM, CHF and various acute CVEs, even cancers, eg. prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women. That is to say, it’s a status of pre-CDC strips, or already met a branch (Type A) of CDC strips. Recently, the authors found that a group of patients with hypertension which related to â€Å"new type stress†due to bad lifestyles, and named it for â€Å"C-type Hypertension (CtH)†. Its main clinical features are on that there is temporary absolutely increase or continuously slowly increase levels of human cortisol, a biomarker of CtH, and it often appears among young or middle aged subjects and is a new ignored killer due to easy to suffer from AMI, CHF, Stroke or SCD. Thus, CtH results from bad â€Å"SEED†bad lifestyle, not bad â€Å"Soil†â€â€genetic factors. Some patients with hypertension among OOH syndrome may diagnose as CtH because here obesity resulted from bad lifestyles. OOH syndrome and CtH are easy to develop to CDC strips if there are long-term lasting co-RFs which would lead to T2DM and cancers. SCD as an acute CVE, often occurs in patients with CHD, younger or older, especially in patients with OOH syndrome, CtH or CDC strips (Type A or B). And SCD often occurs as the endpoint event of CDC strips. Because both OOH syndrome or CtH and various SCD have the common RFs, that is to say, â€Å"Bad SEED†+/- â€Å"bad soil†, therefore, SEEDi, E (e)SEEDi, or HHLi is a good choice for halting the development of CDC strips in OOH syndrome or CtH and for removing RFs induced SCD. All in all, OOH syndrome, CtH, CDC strips, and SCD are highly linked, they need urgently SEEDi, E (e)SEEDi, or HHLi to enhance quality of life (QOL) and life expectancy, and the earlier, the better. Maybe people can call this â€Å"OCS status†(OOH-CDCs-SCD). Update, the authors developed general formula for management of human disease, especially NCDs, which including OOH syndrome and CDC Strips as follows: General Formula = 3Ãâ€"RT-ABCDEF + E (e)SEED-BasED + 210. As to detailed explanation of this formula, people may easy to know from above.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
American Beauty: Interpersonal Conflict in Film Essay
In any type of relationship there is conflict. It is inevitable really as the needs of more than one person must be met to have a copacetic or symbiotic relationship. Whether the interpersonal conflict is constructive or destructive, the key to its resolution is in how the conflict is managed and the amelioration each party receives from it. That is easier said than done though. Watching interpersonal conflict play out in film is a cathartic way to empathize with a character that is or characters that are going through a similar conflict experienced by the films viewer. This viewer can take note of the outcome from the decision the character(s) made in this similar instance. If the viewer had taken a negative route, this film can provide him or her with the alternative to his or her behavior should this situation arise again. If the viewer had taken a positive route this can show him or her what could have been had he or she not made the decision(s) he or she in fact made. In the film American Beauty, the viewer is shown what the question of beauty always begs to answer with a wry outlook. Is beauty only held in the outward appearance? Is beauty this mask worn to show the world what we think they want to see? Or is beauty what we keep sheltered or locked within? Is it what is inside- our thoughts, passions, hopes, dreams, strengths and weaknesses? Is it what is just below the surface- skeletons in the closet or the dysfunctional realm only few are privy to and no one really puts a spotlight on?
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Sleep Deprivation
In today s busy lifestyle, the days are just not long enough to get everything done. Getting the correct amount of sleep is important to not only be healthy, but also to live safely, as may Americans may not know the severity of sleep deprivation. The human body requires sleep to regenerate, and a lack their of causes it to function abnormally. High school and college students generally need more sleep than adults, but on average sleep less than the 9 hours recommended. Time schedules and hectic life styles cause sleep deficiencies. What people may not know is how dangerous it can be to not get enough sleep. If you find yourself taping your eyelids open, and yawning all day, you may need to reschedule your time to get more sleep! The exact cause of sleep is still unknown to scientists, however many theories on how and why we sleep are in circulation. For example, sleep could be away to sort thoughts and memories or to give our immune system a chance to catch up. In addition sleep could be a way to prevent the brain from overheating, build neurons and our body to manufacture proteins. Further more, scientists believe that sleep is a way to restock depleted glucose levels that the brain needs to function. Most everyone has been caught a few times with bags under their eyes, but over time Americans have continued to push deprivation to the extreme. For example, students have more pressure on them to do well in school, as competition continues to rise for degrees ext. Staying up late to finish homework and study is common these days. In addition, hobbies and sports deprive young people the sleep they might need to become fully rested. Scholarships may be the only hope for some people to get an education past high school, and this demands early morning or late night practices and studying. Furthermore, social lives force most young adults to stay out late on weekends, and then sleep in Saturdays and Sunday mornings, throwing their sleeping patters off even more. Whether you are aware of it or not, sleep deprivation is dangerous. In a survey across America, 62% of the population admitted to driving drowsy, and 27 % further admitted to falling asleep behind the wheel at least once in the past year. As it only takes a split second to cause an accident, being a victim to a sleepy driver would not be an enjoyable experience. Not to mention that sleep deprived people are moody, filled with malaise, have poor concentration, and are susceptible to illnesses. Research has also shown that a sleep deficiency not only has a negative impact on work output, but also takes away from peoples will to perform the task hand. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that approximately 100,000 police-reported crashes annually (about 1. % of all crashes) involve drowsiness or fatigue as a principal factor in the accident. It s unfortunate to loose 1,500 people in the U. S. alone to a situation that can be easily avoided with such a simple function as sleep (4% of all traffic crash fatalities are sleep related). At least 71,000 people are injured in fall-asleep crashes each year. The NHTSA estimates these crashes represent $12. 5 billion each year. Furthermore, laws are being placed to prevent sleepy drivers from getting on the road. This is because deprivations mimics drunkenness, and slows down drivers reaction time to nothing in many cases. Although being ticketed for driving under an *exosted* state of mind would be a hassle and inconvenience, it would help to save lives. Good sleeping patterns not only promote a good health, but also prevent accidents from occurring. Sleeping properly and regularly, allows your brain to perform at maximum capacity. If at all possible scheduling time to get the most out of every day, including 8 to 9 hours of sleep is very important. If not for yourself, sleep properly to prevent the distress on others that may occur from an accident. You may not notice your mistake, but a death certificate leaves an erasable mark on families. Sleep Deprivation In today s busy lifestyle, the days are just not long enough to get everything done. Getting the correct amount of sleep is important to not only be healthy, but also to live safely, as may Americans may not know the severity of sleep deprivation. The human body requires sleep to regenerate, and a lack their of causes it to function abnormally. High school and college students generally need more sleep than adults, but on average sleep less than the 9 hours recommended. Time schedules and hectic life styles cause sleep deficiencies. What people may not know is how dangerous it can be to not get enough sleep. If you find yourself taping your eyelids open, and yawning all day, you may need to reschedule your time to get more sleep! The exact cause of sleep is still unknown to scientists, however many theories on how and why we sleep are in circulation. For example, sleep could be away to sort thoughts and memories or to give our immune system a chance to catch up. In addition sleep could be a way to prevent the brain from overheating, build neurons and our body to manufacture proteins. Further more, scientists believe that sleep is a way to restock depleted glucose levels that the brain needs to function. Most everyone has been caught a few times with bags under their eyes, but over time Americans have continued to push deprivation to the extreme. For example, students have more pressure on them to do well in school, as competition continues to rise for degrees ext. Staying up late to finish homework and study is common these days. In addition, hobbies and sports deprive young people the sleep they might need to become fully rested. Scholarships may be the only hope for some people to get an education past high school, and this demands early morning or late night practices and studying. Furthermore, social lives force most young adults to stay out late on weekends, and then sleep in Saturdays and Sunday mornings, throwing their sleeping patters off even more. Whether you are aware of it or not, sleep deprivation is dangerous. In a survey across America, 62% of the population admitted to driving drowsy, and 27 % further admitted to falling asleep behind the wheel at least once in the past year. As it only takes a split second to cause an accident, being a victim to a sleepy driver would not be an enjoyable experience. Not to mention that sleep deprived people are moody, filled with malaise, have poor concentration, and are susceptible to illnesses. Research has also shown that a sleep deficiency not only has a negative impact on work output, but also takes away from peoples will to perform the task hand. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that approximately 100,000 police-reported crashes annually (about 1. % of all crashes) involve drowsiness or fatigue as a principal factor in the accident. It s unfortunate to loose 1,500 people in the U. S. alone to a situation that can be easily avoided with such a simple function as sleep (4% of all traffic crash fatalities are sleep related). At least 71,000 people are injured in fall-asleep crashes each year. The NHTSA estimates these crashes represent $12. 5 billion each year. Furthermore, laws are being placed to prevent sleepy drivers from getting on the road. This is because deprivations mimics drunkenness, and slows down drivers reaction time to nothing in many cases. Although being ticketed for driving under an *exosted* state of mind would be a hassle and inconvenience, it would help to save lives. Good sleeping patterns not only promote a good health, but also prevent accidents from occurring. Sleeping properly and regularly, allows your brain to perform at maximum capacity. If at all possible scheduling time to get the most out of every day, including 8 to 9 hours of sleep is very important. If not for yourself, sleep properly to prevent the distress on others that may occur from an accident. You may not notice your mistake, but a death certificate leaves an erasable mark on families.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Alcohol And Its Effects On Psychological And Physical Levels
Alcohol is integrated into every part of American society, from the media to basic social interaction. Alcohol is so ingrained into culture that it has become an indication of status, a declaration of membership, a gender-based choice, and a rite of passage (SIRC, 2014). Adolescents growing up in an environment in which alcohol is so prevalent are bound to experiment, and this has become an expectation. However, drinking impacts minors negatively on psychological and physical levels, and early use can greatly affect use later in life. The United States has employed many programs to advocate abstinence from alcohol use and abuse, designing these programs by age group. However, these programs must always be improved to compete with alcohol†¦show more content†¦Alcohol has become linked to personal attributes such as attractiveness, sociability, adventure, and romance. In addition, many teenagers seek out alcohol for many different reasons, including self-esteem boosts, social ease and comfort, self-medication, boredom, and rebellion. Oftentimes, minors do not associate their drinking with doing something inherently bad for them- unless they have seen the negative effects of alcohol up close, the short term effects are easily dismissible in the face of social and internal pressures. Approximately 40 percent of people who started drinking before age 15 described their drinking behavior in ways consistent with a diagnosis for alcohol dependence (Johns Hopkins, 2007). Only 10% of people who waited until after 21 could claim the same. It is proven that early alcohol use by young people are at an increased risk of alcoholism later in life. Alcohol is also a depressant, regular drinking lowers serotonin levels in the brain (Drinkaware, 2016). Drinkers of any age who attempt to use alcohol as a coping mechanism tend to find out that alcohol merely makes stress worse. Drinking casually with a friend or drinking a glass of wine after work may seem relaxing, but over time, even this takes its toll. In addition, those who drink are at an extreme risk of being sexually assaulted and having unprotected sex, which may lead to an unwanted pregnancy. When looking at the effects of alcohol from an emotional
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