Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Plan on Sexual Selection Essay
In transformative terms normal choice is the procedure by which certain attributes and practices get passed on in the genetic supply since they give the individual a superior possibility of enduring and recreating. Sexual choice is the procedure inside normal choice where by any trademark or conduct that builds the conceptive accomplishment of an individual are chosen and these qualities may get overstated over transformative time. In light of the distinctions in parental venture among guys and females, transformative analysts recommend this has made sexual orientation explicit conceptive conduct †that is as far as mating inclinations and techniques, and regarding mating frameworks (to stay monogamous or is indiscrimination best? ) Because females need to put a great deal of time in having and raising posterity, and on the grounds that the quantity of posterity they can have in a real existence time is constrained, Darwin proposes this has lead to females being selective about who they â€Å"mate†and settle down with. Females will be searching for acceptable hereditary characteristics in a male and characteristics that demonstrate that he could accommodate her and their posterity. This thusly has made rivalry between guys. They need to persuade females they would be the best to mate with. Guys will likewise be worried about searching for females with characteristics that recommend richness (youth and great wellbeing †equal with physical allure. Sexual choice may likewise prompt contrasts in mating frameworks. A female might be best in a monogamous relationship which will guarantee the male stays and accommodates the family. Anyway for a male a polygamy might be better where he mates with whatever number females as would be prudent in this manner guaranteeing amount in posterity improving the probability of some of them enduring. Diverse examinations give great proof to developmental hypothesis supposing that we see a similar conduct across culture we can reason that this conduct might be an aftereffect of qualities (advancement) instead of socialization. Buss, 1989 contemplated 37 societies and found that females esteemed characteristics that proposed the money related capability of guys †for instance desire and enterprising nature. Then again men esteemed physical engaging quality and ladies who were more youthful than them more than ladies. This recommends they were searching for characteristics related with richness in accordance with transformative forecasts. This was an enormous scope concentrate with more than 10,000 members which gives it validity, anyway it is conceivable that members offered the socially attractive response as far as what they were searching for in an accomplice. Different examinations have bolstered Buss. For instance Waynforth and Dunbar (1995) broke down the substance of desolate hearts sections and found that 43% of guys looked for an energetic mate contrasted with 25% of females (the more youthful the female the more ripe). They additionally found that 44% of guys looked for a genuinely alluring accomplice contrasted with 22% of females. At last they found that ladies â€Å"advertise†their physical engaging quality and men promote their assets. The upside of this examination is that the individuals composing the adverts would not have been affected by any agent impacts, anyway this is a one-sided test as just a little extent of the populaces would try to discover accomplices along these lines. There is a lot of proof to propose that guys are bound to take part in easygoing sex and take part in polygamous connections (consequently spreading their qualities around). For instance Clark and Hatfield (1989 and 1990) found that when propositioned by a complete outsider half of the two people consented to go out on the town with the outsider, anyway none of the females consented to have intercourse with an outsider though a stunning 75% of guys concurred. The examination was done on a college grounds and the members were understudies so are not really illustrative of everyone. The morals of this examination were additionally sketchy as it included misleading and absence of educated assent and could likewise have influenced the mental prosperity of the members as far as later liable emotions. Relative investigations of gonad size in primates by Baker and Bellis, 1995, additionally propose that people may have developed under a polygamous mating framework. Guys have medium estimated balls comparative with body size contrasted with chimpanzees. Chimps live in an indiscriminate mating framework in this way females mate with numerous guys so the male chimp must have huge testicles to deliver heaps of sperm so as to contend. Gorillas are monogamous and have moderately little testicles. The medium estimated human testicles recommend that the standard for our human precursors was to be somewhat serious so females may have had numerous accomplices. It could be contended that a woman’s best technique might be to be somewhat unbridled and mate with the man with the best qualities yet stay with the man who can mind and give. This is upheld by Baker and Bellis, 1995, who recommended the overall rate for misattributed parenthood was 9%. Despite the fact that the investigations above loan backing to developmental hypothesis we should be cautious in expecting that human mate decision is only a result of our transformative past. Our decisions will likewise be influenced by our childhood , religion and our way of life and these may change from age to age. A portion of the discoveries of studies can likewise be clarified regarding society and society. For instance in the past ladies have needed to depend on men to accommodate them given the disparity in gaining power and so on. In today’s present day times we may see changes in what ladies are searching for in a mate. Bereczkei et al (1997) found that females currently publicized for men who are family-orientated proposing they are less worried about assets. Along these lines developmental hypothesis can be blamed for being reductionist in attempting to clarify regenerative conduct as far as quality endurance and disregarding social, social and good effects on our conceptive conduct. Transformative hypothesis is likewise exceptionally deterministic, which is perilous as we overlook that people can consider their activities. Researcher Richard Dawkins accepts we can supersede science with freewill. For instance transformative hypothesis anticipated that men who can't pull in a mate would fall back on assault. While this occurs, most of single men would not engage this thought. At long last a significant part of the proof for transformative hypothesis depends on assumed information about past human conditions prompting theories about which practices may have been versatile. As such developmental hypothesis is hard to test tentatively.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Strategic Communication Plan of Cocacola Essay Example
Vital Communication Plan of Cocacola Essay Plan for 2010 Leyla Jafarova Alexander TEI Thessaloniki, Instructor: Mrs. Milona 12/10/2010 Introduction Like every single utilitarian territory of an organization, the Communication Department assumes a key job in helping an association arrive at its destinations. It makes an association justifiable; it underlines its disparities; it organizes messages for its key crowds. At last, Communications attempts to bundle and position an association to ensure its messages are clear, intelligible and predictable at exactly that point, would stakeholders be able to be generally steady. Key correspondences plan encourages you coordinate all the organization’s programs, state funded training and support endeavors. By arranging a drawn out procedure for your endeavors, you will turn out to be increasingly proactive and vital, instead of reliably responding to the current condition. The vital arrangement will assist you with utilizing your assets all the more successfully and deliberately by featuring cooperative energies and shared open doors in your different projects and work regions. The creation and reception of a key correspondences plan speaks to a critical advance for any association. For some associations, the selection of such an arrangement speaks to a social move toward correspondences and an unmistakable acknowledgment that all the organization’s endeavors have an interchanges component. Government funded instruction, grassroots sorting out, look into, open promotion, direct assistance and in any event, raising support are all, at their center, correspondences errands crucial to the wellbeing and accomplishment of a charitable association. Key Communications Plan comprises of a few sections and typically incorporates: * Context-whats occurred previously? Whats the history? * Environmental Scan-what are the key factors that will influence your prosperity? What is the media saying? Partners your partners and their normal responses. How you will oversee them? * Objectives-what would you like to accomplish? (ought to be clear, significant, quantifiable utilize the SMART methodology in the event that you like) * Strategy-where are you going, and why? * Audi ences-who are the key crowds? * Announcement-given the procedure, would you say you are making a declaration? What are you declaring? * Messages-what are you saying about the declaration? * Tactics-by what method will you execute your procedure, both previously, during and after the primary declaration (expecting you have one)? * Issues-what issues may you need to survive? Assessment in what manner will you know whether youve been effective? The Coca-Cola Company is a drink retailer, maker and advertiser of non-mixed refreshment concentrates and syrups. Other than its namesake Coca-Cola refreshment, Coca-Cola presently offers in excess of 500 brands in more than 200 nations or regions and serves 1. 6 billion servings every day. The organization works a diversified circulation framework dating from 1889 where The Coca-Cola Company just creates syrup concentrate which is then offered to different bottlers all through the world who hold a selective domain. Anyway Coca-Cola has been con demned a great deal for as far back as hardly any years. We will compose a custom article test on Strategic Communication Plan of Cocacola explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Strategic Communication Plan of Cocacola explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Strategic Communication Plan of Cocacola explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer It has been engaged with various wrongdoing contentions and claims identified with its relationship with human rights infringement and other saw untrustworthy practices. Various claims have been given comparable to its supposedly monopolistic and prejudicial practices, some of which have been excused, some of which have caused The Coca-Cola Company to change its strategic policies, and some of which have been privately addressed any outstanding issues. It has likewise been engaged with a segregation case. There have been proceeding with reactions in regards to the Coca-Cola Companys connection to the Middle East and U. S. international strategy. The organization has been condemned on various ecological issues. Pundits guarantee that the companys abuse of nearby water supplies in certain areas has prompted extreme deficiencies for local ranchers and the constrained conclusion of certain plants. Bundling utilized in Coca-Colas items have a noteworthy natural effect. In any case, the organization firmly contradicts endeavors to present components, for example, compartment store enactment. Every one of these bits of gossip about Coca-Cola obviously harmed the picture of the organization definitely and caused numerous issues. Deals were going as the year progressed. An ever increasing number of individuals didn’t trust Coca-Cola any longer. Likewise, Coca-Cola has extremely solid competitions. The principle one is obviously PepsiCo, which is exceptionally renowned everywhere throughout the world and has an extraordinary assortment of items. In this manner, Coca-cola can’t manage the cost of its picture to be harmed in such a case that that happens PepsiCo will turn into the pioneer of the business exceptionally quick. At this moment Coca-Cola needs another Strategic Communication Plan to attempt to beat the issues. Vital Communications Plan for Coca-Cola Background explanation: Last year, Coca-cola saw its deals diminished in the European market. So as to build the business, Coca-Cola needs to characterize another key interchanges plan. As referenced over the picture of Coca-Cola has been harmed a considerable amount for as far back as 2 years by various elements. A difficult work expected to manage results of this harm in the picture of the organization. Contentions are in every case close, that’s why Coca-Cola must be aware of remain serious. New Strategic Communications plan is going to assist the organization with dealing with issues both inside and outside the organization. It will help Coca-Cola to utilize the quality and chances to defeat shortcomings and dangers. Corporate or Business/Functional Objectives: Accelerate carbonated soda development, drove by Coca-Cola * Selectively widen their group of refreshment marks so as to drive productive development * Grow framework gainfulness and capacity along with their packaging accomplices * Serve clients with imagination and consistency so as to create development o ver all channels * Direct speculations to most noteworthy potential territories over the various markets * Drive proficiency and cost-adequacy wherever they are embedded * Increase deals by 3% in the following a half year, and by 5% altogether for the following a year * Increase the â€Å"impulse buy†by 15% in the following a year * Increase pieces of the pie by 10% in the following a year. Arrangement Issues: Whether or not individuals see Coca-Cola as a danger to be overweight * Whether or not impression of Coca-Cola was influenced by the â€Å"cola war†* Whether or not youngsters see Coca-Cola brand as antiquated * Why Coca-Cola has low â€Å"impulse buy†rates External Environment Positive components: * Coca-Cola is a notable brand everywhere throughout the world * It has great relations with accomplices * Coca-Cola Company has begun to utilize web, by creating adolescents projects and games on the web. * It is seen as a steady supporter of a wide range of game occasions everywhere throughout the world * The impression of Coca-Cola was changed for better during the most recent year. It has gotten more mainstream among youth than it was 2 years back. The organization should continue working toward this path. Negative components: There is an unsteadiness of the world of politics that can play against American organizations * The world is confronting a quick change. The time of downturn has influenced pretty much every nation * Company is confronting a solid simultaneousness, â€Å"Cola-war†* Medical Specialists attempt to demoralize individuals to drink sugar-soda pops and it truly influences the deals since impression of Coca-cola isn't that positive any longer. * It is an old brand which has been made for over a century. It very well may be viewed as a good old by youngsters. Interior Environment Positive variables: * Coca-Cola has a capable staff * Staff doesn’t have any large grumblings * Employees acknowledge to get some additional preparation regarding the matter of their advantage Negative components: Employees some of the time whine about the administration being too shut disapproved. * Also, there are objections about absence of correspondence and criticism. * Employees are not educated on time about most recent changes in the organization. * Employees communicated their sentiment of being overlooked. Lucky opening External Clients * Coca-Cola is accomplice in numerous games which increment mindfulness about the organization * It is a multi-year join forces with Warner Bros. With the arrival of â€Å"Harry Potter movie†* It has built up the Coca-Cola Ware, in light of urban road life. * Coca-Cola Company utilizes the ecological mindfulness with explicit projects. Coca-Cola may begin another joint endeavor like one with Jamp;B. Interior Clients * Educational projects for workers * Development of new correspondence framework inside the organization to improve corporate culture * Team building exercise Communication goals External crowds * Increase familiarity with the individuals by 5 % in the following a half year. This expansion all in all, gathering all the intended interest groups. As Coca-Cola is as of now notable brand it is preposterous to expect to build mindfulness by a significant rate. * To underline the distinctions of the items contrasted with its rivals and make a separation mindfulness expanded by 20% in the following a year. Coca cola has a particular taste that can separate it from different brands. * To accentuate the brand esteems mindfulness by 20% in the following a year. * To reposition the brand as more youthful and progressively fun. Coca-cola is a brand with a long history. Coca-cola needs to reposition itself to alluring again for youngsters. * To keep up the brand inclination among the purchasers. The brand needs to fortify its infiltration in driving crowds.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Grammarly vs. Human An In-Depth Review of Grammarly Compared to Professional Editors
Grammarly vs. Human An In-Depth Review of Grammarly Compared to Professional Editors At the end of the 1990s, a machine did an extraordinary thing: Deep Blue, the chess-playing computer developed by IBM beat the world chess champion, Garry Kasparov, in a chess match. At that time, Dr. Piet Hut, an astrophysicist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton said, It may be a hundred years before a computer beats humans at Goâ€"maybe even longer.At the end of 2016 and less than 20 years laterâ€"far fewer than Huts predictionsâ€"a popular game server in Asia watched one of its Go players named Master dominate most of the world champions who played online. Players, desperate to find out who the new champion was, finally discovered within the next few weeks that Master was DeepMinds AI AlphaGo. By May of 2017, Master had defeated the Go world champion and by October of the same year, Google announced it had a more sophisticated version of AlphaGo.So, what does this have to do with proofreading? Well, a lotâ€"especially since there is a lot of talk now in business and academic circles about the advantages of machine-based proofreaders over human proofreaders. For many, its a cost and convenience factor, especially with services like Grammarly offering free proofreading available through easy-to-use apps and cloud-based software.If computers can be taught to beat the human world champions of Go and Chess, surely they can be taught to proofread better than humans too, right?Editing is no gameThe answer is no, according to, an online resource for all things grammar. Since the popular proofreading software, Grammarly, advertises that its algorithms flag context-specific corrections for grammar, spelling, wordiness, style, punctuation, and plagiarism, the authors decided to test it out. They opened a Grammarly Premium account and then ran a series of sentences through it to check its ability to catch common errors. They then used a few sentences from an article published on a lesser-known website to see how well Grammarlys plagiarism ch ecker works, including rewording them slightly to see what level of rewording was needed to not be caught by the checker as plagiarism.According to the authors, In the tests that were quantifiable, Grammarly was asked to check for forty-three mistakes, and it managed to find thirty-one of them. Thats 72 percent. But the numbers only tell part of the story.In an article on the same topic, Forbes contributor Ben Kepes agrees with that assessment. Grammarly isnt a complete replacement for manual proofreading, he writes. I was surprised at the number of errors it madeâ€"both false positives and not picking up on obvious mistakes in both spelling and grammar. The number of times I had to change manually fo to of was a little annoying. Im not sure Id be quite as brutal as one review I read, Grammarly does, in my mind, have a part to play in spelling and grammar checks. But for someone looking for a single solution, Grammarly probably isnt it.So, what do the machines miss?In the few quanti tative tests reviewers have discussed online, Grammarly, Microsoft Word, and other spellcheck or proofreading programs tend to miss certain types of mistakes. Of these mistakes, academic writers seem to have the most to lose in relying solely on a computer-based proofread of their writing.For example, most software and cloud-based proofreading programs will flag writing that is in passive voice (e.g., The presentation was completed by our group [passive voice] vs. Our group completed the presentation [active voice].) Passive voice is commonly used in higher-level academic research and having a program flag each use of it is time-consuming when the writer has no intention to change it. Other problems the reviewers ran into was the use of terms like past history, which is commonly used in the fields of health and psychology but flagged by the software as being incorrect.Misused wordsAnother issue missed by proofreading software is a word that has been misused in context. Since context must be carefully considered to determine which word is best to use in a particular instance, proofreading programs have a difficult time catching these mistakes. This can happen with the incorrect use of some of the following words:affect vs. effectlead vs. ledhistoric vs. historicalinsuring vs. ensuringlay vs. liebring vs. takenauseous vs. nauseatedcomprise vs. composefewer vs. lessfarther vs. furtherRepetitive sentence structureWriting with repetitive sentence structure is a common problem, especially for writers who are ESL learnersâ€"and its one problem a computer program wont recognize. Take the following example:This is bad writing. There are no grammar mistakes. Yet it is still bad writing. Can you guess why? Read it aloud. Youll figure it out then.Repetitive sentence structure can be easily fixed by changing up the length of sentences and including more dependent clauses. However, it will take a human proofreader and editor to point this out to you and to help take your wr iting to a more academic or professional level.Tense consistencyAs a professional editor, one of the most common problems Ive seen from over 10 years of editing for clients is tense consistency. A writer might start a paragraph in present tense but suddenly switch tenses mid-paragraph, causing confusion for the reader. Or worse, a writer might start a sentence, then suddenly switch tenses mid-sentence. These are issues that proofreading software will rarely catch.Take the following example:If the hospital wanted to have fewer patients, it will need to change its admission policies.In the above sentence, the writer first used a past tense verb (wanted), then suddenly switched to a future tense verb (will need). This is grammatically incorrect and is often seen in poor writing.Articles or words completely missingIf you happened to leave out a word in your essay, especially if that word is an article (the, a, an), it is highly unlikely that proofreading software will catch it. Also, if you happened to use an instead of and, dont trust a software program to catch it.Case study #1 â€" Online contentThe only way to compare human editors to machines using algorithms is to pit the two against each other in multiple documents to see which does a better job across genres and writing styles. To do this, we used an original document submitted to professional editors on the original online content and the human editors corrections.We then purchased a premium membership for, which is advertising a current rate of $29.95 per month for its services. For the first comparison, we used a piece of web content that would be found on a companys website or marketing material. The human editor found multiple changes in the first and second paragraphs that were completely missed by Grammarly. Specifically, the human editor:Revised the first sentence to make it stronger and in more active voice (changing developing into that develops).Changed a prepo sition (from to to for), making the sentence more logical.In the third paragraph, both the human editor and Grammarly caught the misplaced punctuation (a comma that should be inside of the quotation marks instead of outside of it). However, thats the only similarity in the editing styles.The human editor changed spread to distribute (which is more professionally written) and shorted the first sentence to give it more of a hook at the beginning. Obviously, a machine cant think this deeply about word choice and sentence structure for effect, but the algorithm did suggest changing unparalleled to unique, which seems like an odd (and even unnecessary) change.Under Our services include, Grammarly made a good suggestion to change key to vital (since key is often overused in business writing) but then made an error by suggesting that I change succeed to success, which changes the original intent of the writer. It then suggested I change distinguished to unique (again!) and it seems as if G rammarly really likes the word unique, although it shouldnt have suggested it twice in one paragraph. Meanwhile, the human editor caught an illogical sentence (Tailoring your voice aligned with your audience) and changed it to read coherently and in active voice.Here is an example of Grammarly editing web content.In the sixth paragraph, the human editor caught three distinct instances in which the sentence was wordy and could say the same thing with fewer extraneous words. Apparently, this isnt a concept Grammarlys algorithms can understand.Finally, both the human editor and Grammarly caught an error with a missing comma. The human editor, however, found that it sounded better to share stories with the press than to share stories in the press. The human editor also found that a sentence was written illogically (We also help boosting media coverage to our clients) and changed it to the more logical (We also help boost media coverage for our clients). Grammarly did not make any of the se suggestions.ResultsAlthough Grammarly caught several important errors, it was unable to suggest changes in wording to make the content more concise and logical. Particularly, it doesnt seem to be able to catch when wordiness is happening, which can make web content less readable/sharable. For these reasons, the human editor wins this round!Case study #2 â€" Academic writingNow lets look at academic writing.View the original academic document and the human editors corrections.Lets begin by looking at the Abstract. Abstracts in academic writing must be briefly and clearly expressed, which is why the human editor changed the clients opening sentence.Original sentence: A formulational debate is a debate over whether certain definitions of scientific realism and antirealism are useful or not.Edited sentence: A formulational debate is a debate over the usefulness of certain definitions of scientific realism and antirealism.After running the original document through Grammarly, the prog ram did not make any changes for better readability and succinctness in the abstract. It did, however, point out that formulational isnt in its dictionary and should be added if it is correct. It also pointed out that formal, academic writing should not use I, which the human editor failed to note. However, this rule isnt consistent across all fields and many fields do use personal pronouns in academic writing or publication, especially when research was conducted.Here is an example of Grammarly correcting an academic document.In the section beneath the header Formulational and Epistemological Debates, and the No-Miracles Argument, the human editor made several comments regarding the logic of the argument and missing elements of a list. Obviously, Grammarly does not have the capacity to do this type of in-depth editing for academic work. The program only noted the use of I multiple times and possible incorrect spelling of formulational.Further into this section, the human editor mad e changes to a sentence to reduce wordiness and confusion (for example, the original sentence contained or not at the end, which could cause confusion for the reader).Original sentence: Under Putnams formulations, realists and antirealists also have been in formulational debates over whether certain formulations can overcome the pessimistic induction or not.Edited sentence: Putnams formulations have also engendered formulational debates over whether certain formulations can overcome the pessimistic induction.Grammarly was unable to make this sort of change, but it did suggest successful present be changed to present successfulâ€"a change which, if made, would ruin the parallel structure of successful past, which is mentioned later in the sentence. While not a grammar error, this is a suggestion that would make the writing weaker instead of better.In section 3.1, the human editor made several changes to the following sentence: Teleological explanations were regarded as legitimate in ancient science, but only mechanical explanations are regarded as legitimate in modern science. Specifically, the editor took the sentence out of passive voice and made it active and changed but to whereas to make the writing more academic and logical. This section also used such without using as in referring to specific ancient philosophers (…, such Aristotle and Ptolemy). Both Grammarly and the human editor caught this and suggested correct changes.The remaining parts of the document show extensive comments made by the human editor concerning logical inconsistencies and counterintuitive reasoning in the authors points. Obviously, Grammarly is unable to take this comprehensive approach when editing or look at the logic of the argument in a way that a human can.ResultsIn this particular case study of academic writing, the clear winner was the human editor. This is primarily the case because he was familiar with the subject and could address the authors reasoning as well as his/her grammar.Case study #3 â€" College entrance essayA college entrance essay is your one chance to stand out above other applicants, while expressing your personal and academic goals. However, for this particular case study, the applicant was lucky that he or she chose a human editor over Grammarly.View the original college entrance essay and the human editors corrections.The first paragraph shows why the applicant was lucky. Here is what the author originally wrote as in introduction:I want to become an equity analyst in private equity or fund in Singapore after MBA programme. My previous education background and working experience in accounting and auditing build me solid accounting techniques and financial data analysis skills which are demanded for an equity analyst. In long term, after gaining enough investment experiences, I would like to manage a small fund for my family.At first glance, there are several major errors that stand out, all of which were caught by the human editor. For example, in private equity or fund is illogical; an article or pronoun is missing from after MBA programme; build me solid is illogical; and In long term needs the added. Grammarly did not catch all of these errors, which was surprising since they were so obvious, although it did suggest that in long term be changed.Here is an example of a graduate school admissions essay that was edited by Grammarly.It doesnt get better in the following paragraph. Grammarly did catch can help me to acquire those knowledge and suggested the author replace those knowledge with that knowledge, but did not catch the missing pronoun I in Although majored in accounting and finance.In the final paragraph, Grammarly caught multiple errors, but did not make the same changes suggested by the human editor to help the writing flow more naturally.ResultsFor something as important as college admissions writing, hiring a human editor is the smartest moveâ€"especially if the authors first language is not Engl ish. Grammarly missed glaring and obvious mistakes, which can mean the difference between being accepted or denied into an institution of higher learning.Case study #4 â€" Cover letterFor our fourth comparison, we looked at a cover letter submitted to both Grammarly and a human editor.View the original cover letter and the human editors corrections.Grammarly caught several errors, including suggesting replacing fast-faced with fast-paced.Here is an example of Grammarly correcting a cover letter.Of course, the human editor caught these same errors. This particular case study is similar to the academic writing case study in that the human editor offered helpful advice on top of editing services. For example, the editor suggested that the writer avoid contractions in a professional letter. The editor also suggested that the writer avoid including details of her three boys under 5 years old, commenting that the employer might take this as a negative trait in an employee by assuming that the employee will be absent from work a lot to take care of her three young children.Beyond that, neither the human editor nor Grammarly caught the problem with hyphens in five-years-old (it should not have hyphens between the words unless it is used as an adjective). However, the human editor did suggest removing that phrase entirely, so that could have been the reason she avoided pointing out the error.ResultsGrammarly did a better job of catching errors in this round, so from a simple proofreading standpoint, it was a tie. However, the human editor included important advice concerning the need to remove personal information in a cover letter for a job search, which means the human editor still won this round.Case study #5 â€" Technical writingFor this comparison, we used technical instructions written for a new App that manages a persons contacts.View the original technical instructions document and the human editors corrections.Grammarly caught several instances in which a sent ence ended with a preposition and correctly suggested that passive voice should not be used so much.However, the human editor once again proved to be more helpful for this particular client. For example, the human editor removed an entire sentence about how the App keeps your family and friends from having to post their addresses and contact information on social media (which most people know not to do). The human editor also rewrote some long sentences into shorter, easier-to-read instructions.One strange suggestion Grammarly gave was to remove personal when referring to ones personal link because it creates tautology. While this is a complicated way to say there might be repetitive information, it isnt an example of tautology because the instructions related to a personal link needed the word personal in it to clarify which link should be used.Lastly, here is an example of Grammarly correcting technical writing.ResultsAs with other case studies, the results of this round leave the human editor as the clear winner. Grammarlys algorithm is limited in its ability to make sentences more concise, and if rewriting is needed, Grammarly does not offer suggested rewrites.
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