Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Plan on Sexual Selection Essay
In transformative terms normal choice is the procedure by which certain attributes and practices get passed on in the genetic supply since they give the individual a superior possibility of enduring and recreating. Sexual choice is the procedure inside normal choice where by any trademark or conduct that builds the conceptive accomplishment of an individual are chosen and these qualities may get overstated over transformative time. In light of the distinctions in parental venture among guys and females, transformative analysts recommend this has made sexual orientation explicit conceptive conduct †that is as far as mating inclinations and techniques, and regarding mating frameworks (to stay monogamous or is indiscrimination best? ) Because females need to put a great deal of time in having and raising posterity, and on the grounds that the quantity of posterity they can have in a real existence time is constrained, Darwin proposes this has lead to females being selective about who they â€Å"mate†and settle down with. Females will be searching for acceptable hereditary characteristics in a male and characteristics that demonstrate that he could accommodate her and their posterity. This thusly has made rivalry between guys. They need to persuade females they would be the best to mate with. Guys will likewise be worried about searching for females with characteristics that recommend richness (youth and great wellbeing †equal with physical allure. Sexual choice may likewise prompt contrasts in mating frameworks. A female might be best in a monogamous relationship which will guarantee the male stays and accommodates the family. Anyway for a male a polygamy might be better where he mates with whatever number females as would be prudent in this manner guaranteeing amount in posterity improving the probability of some of them enduring. Diverse examinations give great proof to developmental hypothesis supposing that we see a similar conduct across culture we can reason that this conduct might be an aftereffect of qualities (advancement) instead of socialization. Buss, 1989 contemplated 37 societies and found that females esteemed characteristics that proposed the money related capability of guys †for instance desire and enterprising nature. Then again men esteemed physical engaging quality and ladies who were more youthful than them more than ladies. This recommends they were searching for characteristics related with richness in accordance with transformative forecasts. This was an enormous scope concentrate with more than 10,000 members which gives it validity, anyway it is conceivable that members offered the socially attractive response as far as what they were searching for in an accomplice. Different examinations have bolstered Buss. For instance Waynforth and Dunbar (1995) broke down the substance of desolate hearts sections and found that 43% of guys looked for an energetic mate contrasted with 25% of females (the more youthful the female the more ripe). They additionally found that 44% of guys looked for a genuinely alluring accomplice contrasted with 22% of females. At last they found that ladies â€Å"advertise†their physical engaging quality and men promote their assets. The upside of this examination is that the individuals composing the adverts would not have been affected by any agent impacts, anyway this is a one-sided test as just a little extent of the populaces would try to discover accomplices along these lines. There is a lot of proof to propose that guys are bound to take part in easygoing sex and take part in polygamous connections (consequently spreading their qualities around). For instance Clark and Hatfield (1989 and 1990) found that when propositioned by a complete outsider half of the two people consented to go out on the town with the outsider, anyway none of the females consented to have intercourse with an outsider though a stunning 75% of guys concurred. The examination was done on a college grounds and the members were understudies so are not really illustrative of everyone. The morals of this examination were additionally sketchy as it included misleading and absence of educated assent and could likewise have influenced the mental prosperity of the members as far as later liable emotions. Relative investigations of gonad size in primates by Baker and Bellis, 1995, additionally propose that people may have developed under a polygamous mating framework. Guys have medium estimated balls comparative with body size contrasted with chimpanzees. Chimps live in an indiscriminate mating framework in this way females mate with numerous guys so the male chimp must have huge testicles to deliver heaps of sperm so as to contend. Gorillas are monogamous and have moderately little testicles. The medium estimated human testicles recommend that the standard for our human precursors was to be somewhat serious so females may have had numerous accomplices. It could be contended that a woman’s best technique might be to be somewhat unbridled and mate with the man with the best qualities yet stay with the man who can mind and give. This is upheld by Baker and Bellis, 1995, who recommended the overall rate for misattributed parenthood was 9%. Despite the fact that the investigations above loan backing to developmental hypothesis we should be cautious in expecting that human mate decision is only a result of our transformative past. Our decisions will likewise be influenced by our childhood , religion and our way of life and these may change from age to age. A portion of the discoveries of studies can likewise be clarified regarding society and society. For instance in the past ladies have needed to depend on men to accommodate them given the disparity in gaining power and so on. In today’s present day times we may see changes in what ladies are searching for in a mate. Bereczkei et al (1997) found that females currently publicized for men who are family-orientated proposing they are less worried about assets. Along these lines developmental hypothesis can be blamed for being reductionist in attempting to clarify regenerative conduct as far as quality endurance and disregarding social, social and good effects on our conceptive conduct. Transformative hypothesis is likewise exceptionally deterministic, which is perilous as we overlook that people can consider their activities. Researcher Richard Dawkins accepts we can supersede science with freewill. For instance transformative hypothesis anticipated that men who can't pull in a mate would fall back on assault. While this occurs, most of single men would not engage this thought. At long last a significant part of the proof for transformative hypothesis depends on assumed information about past human conditions prompting theories about which practices may have been versatile. As such developmental hypothesis is hard to test tentatively.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Strategic Communication Plan of Cocacola Essay Example
Vital Communication Plan of Cocacola Essay Plan for 2010 Leyla Jafarova Alexander TEI Thessaloniki, Instructor: Mrs. Milona 12/10/2010 Introduction Like every single utilitarian territory of an organization, the Communication Department assumes a key job in helping an association arrive at its destinations. It makes an association justifiable; it underlines its disparities; it organizes messages for its key crowds. At last, Communications attempts to bundle and position an association to ensure its messages are clear, intelligible and predictable at exactly that point, would stakeholders be able to be generally steady. Key correspondences plan encourages you coordinate all the organization’s programs, state funded training and support endeavors. By arranging a drawn out procedure for your endeavors, you will turn out to be increasingly proactive and vital, instead of reliably responding to the current condition. The vital arrangement will assist you with utilizing your assets all the more successfully and deliberately by featuring cooperative energies and shared open doors in your different projects and work regions. The creation and reception of a key correspondences plan speaks to a critical advance for any association. For some associations, the selection of such an arrangement speaks to a social move toward correspondences and an unmistakable acknowledgment that all the organization’s endeavors have an interchanges component. Government funded instruction, grassroots sorting out, look into, open promotion, direct assistance and in any event, raising support are all, at their center, correspondences errands crucial to the wellbeing and accomplishment of a charitable association. Key Communications Plan comprises of a few sections and typically incorporates: * Context-whats occurred previously? Whats the history? * Environmental Scan-what are the key factors that will influence your prosperity? What is the media saying? Partners your partners and their normal responses. How you will oversee them? * Objectives-what would you like to accomplish? (ought to be clear, significant, quantifiable utilize the SMART methodology in the event that you like) * Strategy-where are you going, and why? * Audi ences-who are the key crowds? * Announcement-given the procedure, would you say you are making a declaration? What are you declaring? * Messages-what are you saying about the declaration? * Tactics-by what method will you execute your procedure, both previously, during and after the primary declaration (expecting you have one)? * Issues-what issues may you need to survive? Assessment in what manner will you know whether youve been effective? The Coca-Cola Company is a drink retailer, maker and advertiser of non-mixed refreshment concentrates and syrups. Other than its namesake Coca-Cola refreshment, Coca-Cola presently offers in excess of 500 brands in more than 200 nations or regions and serves 1. 6 billion servings every day. The organization works a diversified circulation framework dating from 1889 where The Coca-Cola Company just creates syrup concentrate which is then offered to different bottlers all through the world who hold a selective domain. Anyway Coca-Cola has been con demned a great deal for as far back as hardly any years. We will compose a custom article test on Strategic Communication Plan of Cocacola explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Strategic Communication Plan of Cocacola explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Strategic Communication Plan of Cocacola explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer It has been engaged with various wrongdoing contentions and claims identified with its relationship with human rights infringement and other saw untrustworthy practices. Various claims have been given comparable to its supposedly monopolistic and prejudicial practices, some of which have been excused, some of which have caused The Coca-Cola Company to change its strategic policies, and some of which have been privately addressed any outstanding issues. It has likewise been engaged with a segregation case. There have been proceeding with reactions in regards to the Coca-Cola Companys connection to the Middle East and U. S. international strategy. The organization has been condemned on various ecological issues. Pundits guarantee that the companys abuse of nearby water supplies in certain areas has prompted extreme deficiencies for local ranchers and the constrained conclusion of certain plants. Bundling utilized in Coca-Colas items have a noteworthy natural effect. In any case, the organization firmly contradicts endeavors to present components, for example, compartment store enactment. Every one of these bits of gossip about Coca-Cola obviously harmed the picture of the organization definitely and caused numerous issues. Deals were going as the year progressed. An ever increasing number of individuals didn’t trust Coca-Cola any longer. Likewise, Coca-Cola has extremely solid competitions. The principle one is obviously PepsiCo, which is exceptionally renowned everywhere throughout the world and has an extraordinary assortment of items. In this manner, Coca-cola can’t manage the cost of its picture to be harmed in such a case that that happens PepsiCo will turn into the pioneer of the business exceptionally quick. At this moment Coca-Cola needs another Strategic Communication Plan to attempt to beat the issues. Vital Communications Plan for Coca-Cola Background explanation: Last year, Coca-cola saw its deals diminished in the European market. So as to build the business, Coca-Cola needs to characterize another key interchanges plan. As referenced over the picture of Coca-Cola has been harmed a considerable amount for as far back as 2 years by various elements. A difficult work expected to manage results of this harm in the picture of the organization. Contentions are in every case close, that’s why Coca-Cola must be aware of remain serious. New Strategic Communications plan is going to assist the organization with dealing with issues both inside and outside the organization. It will help Coca-Cola to utilize the quality and chances to defeat shortcomings and dangers. Corporate or Business/Functional Objectives: Accelerate carbonated soda development, drove by Coca-Cola * Selectively widen their group of refreshment marks so as to drive productive development * Grow framework gainfulness and capacity along with their packaging accomplices * Serve clients with imagination and consistency so as to create development o ver all channels * Direct speculations to most noteworthy potential territories over the various markets * Drive proficiency and cost-adequacy wherever they are embedded * Increase deals by 3% in the following a half year, and by 5% altogether for the following a year * Increase the â€Å"impulse buy†by 15% in the following a year * Increase pieces of the pie by 10% in the following a year. Arrangement Issues: Whether or not individuals see Coca-Cola as a danger to be overweight * Whether or not impression of Coca-Cola was influenced by the â€Å"cola war†* Whether or not youngsters see Coca-Cola brand as antiquated * Why Coca-Cola has low â€Å"impulse buy†rates External Environment Positive components: * Coca-Cola is a notable brand everywhere throughout the world * It has great relations with accomplices * Coca-Cola Company has begun to utilize web, by creating adolescents projects and games on the web. * It is seen as a steady supporter of a wide range of game occasions everywhere throughout the world * The impression of Coca-Cola was changed for better during the most recent year. It has gotten more mainstream among youth than it was 2 years back. The organization should continue working toward this path. Negative components: There is an unsteadiness of the world of politics that can play against American organizations * The world is confronting a quick change. The time of downturn has influenced pretty much every nation * Company is confronting a solid simultaneousness, â€Å"Cola-war†* Medical Specialists attempt to demoralize individuals to drink sugar-soda pops and it truly influences the deals since impression of Coca-cola isn't that positive any longer. * It is an old brand which has been made for over a century. It very well may be viewed as a good old by youngsters. Interior Environment Positive variables: * Coca-Cola has a capable staff * Staff doesn’t have any large grumblings * Employees acknowledge to get some additional preparation regarding the matter of their advantage Negative components: Employees some of the time whine about the administration being too shut disapproved. * Also, there are objections about absence of correspondence and criticism. * Employees are not educated on time about most recent changes in the organization. * Employees communicated their sentiment of being overlooked. Lucky opening External Clients * Coca-Cola is accomplice in numerous games which increment mindfulness about the organization * It is a multi-year join forces with Warner Bros. With the arrival of â€Å"Harry Potter movie†* It has built up the Coca-Cola Ware, in light of urban road life. * Coca-Cola Company utilizes the ecological mindfulness with explicit projects. Coca-Cola may begin another joint endeavor like one with Jamp;B. Interior Clients * Educational projects for workers * Development of new correspondence framework inside the organization to improve corporate culture * Team building exercise Communication goals External crowds * Increase familiarity with the individuals by 5 % in the following a half year. This expansion all in all, gathering all the intended interest groups. As Coca-Cola is as of now notable brand it is preposterous to expect to build mindfulness by a significant rate. * To underline the distinctions of the items contrasted with its rivals and make a separation mindfulness expanded by 20% in the following a year. Coca cola has a particular taste that can separate it from different brands. * To accentuate the brand esteems mindfulness by 20% in the following a year. * To reposition the brand as more youthful and progressively fun. Coca-cola is a brand with a long history. Coca-cola needs to reposition itself to alluring again for youngsters. * To keep up the brand inclination among the purchasers. The brand needs to fortify its infiltration in driving crowds.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Grammarly vs. Human An In-Depth Review of Grammarly Compared to Professional Editors
Grammarly vs. Human An In-Depth Review of Grammarly Compared to Professional Editors At the end of the 1990s, a machine did an extraordinary thing: Deep Blue, the chess-playing computer developed by IBM beat the world chess champion, Garry Kasparov, in a chess match. At that time, Dr. Piet Hut, an astrophysicist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton said, It may be a hundred years before a computer beats humans at Goâ€"maybe even longer.At the end of 2016 and less than 20 years laterâ€"far fewer than Huts predictionsâ€"a popular game server in Asia watched one of its Go players named Master dominate most of the world champions who played online. Players, desperate to find out who the new champion was, finally discovered within the next few weeks that Master was DeepMinds AI AlphaGo. By May of 2017, Master had defeated the Go world champion and by October of the same year, Google announced it had a more sophisticated version of AlphaGo.So, what does this have to do with proofreading? Well, a lotâ€"especially since there is a lot of talk now in business and academic circles about the advantages of machine-based proofreaders over human proofreaders. For many, its a cost and convenience factor, especially with services like Grammarly offering free proofreading available through easy-to-use apps and cloud-based software.If computers can be taught to beat the human world champions of Go and Chess, surely they can be taught to proofread better than humans too, right?Editing is no gameThe answer is no, according to, an online resource for all things grammar. Since the popular proofreading software, Grammarly, advertises that its algorithms flag context-specific corrections for grammar, spelling, wordiness, style, punctuation, and plagiarism, the authors decided to test it out. They opened a Grammarly Premium account and then ran a series of sentences through it to check its ability to catch common errors. They then used a few sentences from an article published on a lesser-known website to see how well Grammarlys plagiarism ch ecker works, including rewording them slightly to see what level of rewording was needed to not be caught by the checker as plagiarism.According to the authors, In the tests that were quantifiable, Grammarly was asked to check for forty-three mistakes, and it managed to find thirty-one of them. Thats 72 percent. But the numbers only tell part of the story.In an article on the same topic, Forbes contributor Ben Kepes agrees with that assessment. Grammarly isnt a complete replacement for manual proofreading, he writes. I was surprised at the number of errors it madeâ€"both false positives and not picking up on obvious mistakes in both spelling and grammar. The number of times I had to change manually fo to of was a little annoying. Im not sure Id be quite as brutal as one review I read, Grammarly does, in my mind, have a part to play in spelling and grammar checks. But for someone looking for a single solution, Grammarly probably isnt it.So, what do the machines miss?In the few quanti tative tests reviewers have discussed online, Grammarly, Microsoft Word, and other spellcheck or proofreading programs tend to miss certain types of mistakes. Of these mistakes, academic writers seem to have the most to lose in relying solely on a computer-based proofread of their writing.For example, most software and cloud-based proofreading programs will flag writing that is in passive voice (e.g., The presentation was completed by our group [passive voice] vs. Our group completed the presentation [active voice].) Passive voice is commonly used in higher-level academic research and having a program flag each use of it is time-consuming when the writer has no intention to change it. Other problems the reviewers ran into was the use of terms like past history, which is commonly used in the fields of health and psychology but flagged by the software as being incorrect.Misused wordsAnother issue missed by proofreading software is a word that has been misused in context. Since context must be carefully considered to determine which word is best to use in a particular instance, proofreading programs have a difficult time catching these mistakes. This can happen with the incorrect use of some of the following words:affect vs. effectlead vs. ledhistoric vs. historicalinsuring vs. ensuringlay vs. liebring vs. takenauseous vs. nauseatedcomprise vs. composefewer vs. lessfarther vs. furtherRepetitive sentence structureWriting with repetitive sentence structure is a common problem, especially for writers who are ESL learnersâ€"and its one problem a computer program wont recognize. Take the following example:This is bad writing. There are no grammar mistakes. Yet it is still bad writing. Can you guess why? Read it aloud. Youll figure it out then.Repetitive sentence structure can be easily fixed by changing up the length of sentences and including more dependent clauses. However, it will take a human proofreader and editor to point this out to you and to help take your wr iting to a more academic or professional level.Tense consistencyAs a professional editor, one of the most common problems Ive seen from over 10 years of editing for clients is tense consistency. A writer might start a paragraph in present tense but suddenly switch tenses mid-paragraph, causing confusion for the reader. Or worse, a writer might start a sentence, then suddenly switch tenses mid-sentence. These are issues that proofreading software will rarely catch.Take the following example:If the hospital wanted to have fewer patients, it will need to change its admission policies.In the above sentence, the writer first used a past tense verb (wanted), then suddenly switched to a future tense verb (will need). This is grammatically incorrect and is often seen in poor writing.Articles or words completely missingIf you happened to leave out a word in your essay, especially if that word is an article (the, a, an), it is highly unlikely that proofreading software will catch it. Also, if you happened to use an instead of and, dont trust a software program to catch it.Case study #1 â€" Online contentThe only way to compare human editors to machines using algorithms is to pit the two against each other in multiple documents to see which does a better job across genres and writing styles. To do this, we used an original document submitted to professional editors on the original online content and the human editors corrections.We then purchased a premium membership for, which is advertising a current rate of $29.95 per month for its services. For the first comparison, we used a piece of web content that would be found on a companys website or marketing material. The human editor found multiple changes in the first and second paragraphs that were completely missed by Grammarly. Specifically, the human editor:Revised the first sentence to make it stronger and in more active voice (changing developing into that develops).Changed a prepo sition (from to to for), making the sentence more logical.In the third paragraph, both the human editor and Grammarly caught the misplaced punctuation (a comma that should be inside of the quotation marks instead of outside of it). However, thats the only similarity in the editing styles.The human editor changed spread to distribute (which is more professionally written) and shorted the first sentence to give it more of a hook at the beginning. Obviously, a machine cant think this deeply about word choice and sentence structure for effect, but the algorithm did suggest changing unparalleled to unique, which seems like an odd (and even unnecessary) change.Under Our services include, Grammarly made a good suggestion to change key to vital (since key is often overused in business writing) but then made an error by suggesting that I change succeed to success, which changes the original intent of the writer. It then suggested I change distinguished to unique (again!) and it seems as if G rammarly really likes the word unique, although it shouldnt have suggested it twice in one paragraph. Meanwhile, the human editor caught an illogical sentence (Tailoring your voice aligned with your audience) and changed it to read coherently and in active voice.Here is an example of Grammarly editing web content.In the sixth paragraph, the human editor caught three distinct instances in which the sentence was wordy and could say the same thing with fewer extraneous words. Apparently, this isnt a concept Grammarlys algorithms can understand.Finally, both the human editor and Grammarly caught an error with a missing comma. The human editor, however, found that it sounded better to share stories with the press than to share stories in the press. The human editor also found that a sentence was written illogically (We also help boosting media coverage to our clients) and changed it to the more logical (We also help boost media coverage for our clients). Grammarly did not make any of the se suggestions.ResultsAlthough Grammarly caught several important errors, it was unable to suggest changes in wording to make the content more concise and logical. Particularly, it doesnt seem to be able to catch when wordiness is happening, which can make web content less readable/sharable. For these reasons, the human editor wins this round!Case study #2 â€" Academic writingNow lets look at academic writing.View the original academic document and the human editors corrections.Lets begin by looking at the Abstract. Abstracts in academic writing must be briefly and clearly expressed, which is why the human editor changed the clients opening sentence.Original sentence: A formulational debate is a debate over whether certain definitions of scientific realism and antirealism are useful or not.Edited sentence: A formulational debate is a debate over the usefulness of certain definitions of scientific realism and antirealism.After running the original document through Grammarly, the prog ram did not make any changes for better readability and succinctness in the abstract. It did, however, point out that formulational isnt in its dictionary and should be added if it is correct. It also pointed out that formal, academic writing should not use I, which the human editor failed to note. However, this rule isnt consistent across all fields and many fields do use personal pronouns in academic writing or publication, especially when research was conducted.Here is an example of Grammarly correcting an academic document.In the section beneath the header Formulational and Epistemological Debates, and the No-Miracles Argument, the human editor made several comments regarding the logic of the argument and missing elements of a list. Obviously, Grammarly does not have the capacity to do this type of in-depth editing for academic work. The program only noted the use of I multiple times and possible incorrect spelling of formulational.Further into this section, the human editor mad e changes to a sentence to reduce wordiness and confusion (for example, the original sentence contained or not at the end, which could cause confusion for the reader).Original sentence: Under Putnams formulations, realists and antirealists also have been in formulational debates over whether certain formulations can overcome the pessimistic induction or not.Edited sentence: Putnams formulations have also engendered formulational debates over whether certain formulations can overcome the pessimistic induction.Grammarly was unable to make this sort of change, but it did suggest successful present be changed to present successfulâ€"a change which, if made, would ruin the parallel structure of successful past, which is mentioned later in the sentence. While not a grammar error, this is a suggestion that would make the writing weaker instead of better.In section 3.1, the human editor made several changes to the following sentence: Teleological explanations were regarded as legitimate in ancient science, but only mechanical explanations are regarded as legitimate in modern science. Specifically, the editor took the sentence out of passive voice and made it active and changed but to whereas to make the writing more academic and logical. This section also used such without using as in referring to specific ancient philosophers (…, such Aristotle and Ptolemy). Both Grammarly and the human editor caught this and suggested correct changes.The remaining parts of the document show extensive comments made by the human editor concerning logical inconsistencies and counterintuitive reasoning in the authors points. Obviously, Grammarly is unable to take this comprehensive approach when editing or look at the logic of the argument in a way that a human can.ResultsIn this particular case study of academic writing, the clear winner was the human editor. This is primarily the case because he was familiar with the subject and could address the authors reasoning as well as his/her grammar.Case study #3 â€" College entrance essayA college entrance essay is your one chance to stand out above other applicants, while expressing your personal and academic goals. However, for this particular case study, the applicant was lucky that he or she chose a human editor over Grammarly.View the original college entrance essay and the human editors corrections.The first paragraph shows why the applicant was lucky. Here is what the author originally wrote as in introduction:I want to become an equity analyst in private equity or fund in Singapore after MBA programme. My previous education background and working experience in accounting and auditing build me solid accounting techniques and financial data analysis skills which are demanded for an equity analyst. In long term, after gaining enough investment experiences, I would like to manage a small fund for my family.At first glance, there are several major errors that stand out, all of which were caught by the human editor. For example, in private equity or fund is illogical; an article or pronoun is missing from after MBA programme; build me solid is illogical; and In long term needs the added. Grammarly did not catch all of these errors, which was surprising since they were so obvious, although it did suggest that in long term be changed.Here is an example of a graduate school admissions essay that was edited by Grammarly.It doesnt get better in the following paragraph. Grammarly did catch can help me to acquire those knowledge and suggested the author replace those knowledge with that knowledge, but did not catch the missing pronoun I in Although majored in accounting and finance.In the final paragraph, Grammarly caught multiple errors, but did not make the same changes suggested by the human editor to help the writing flow more naturally.ResultsFor something as important as college admissions writing, hiring a human editor is the smartest moveâ€"especially if the authors first language is not Engl ish. Grammarly missed glaring and obvious mistakes, which can mean the difference between being accepted or denied into an institution of higher learning.Case study #4 â€" Cover letterFor our fourth comparison, we looked at a cover letter submitted to both Grammarly and a human editor.View the original cover letter and the human editors corrections.Grammarly caught several errors, including suggesting replacing fast-faced with fast-paced.Here is an example of Grammarly correcting a cover letter.Of course, the human editor caught these same errors. This particular case study is similar to the academic writing case study in that the human editor offered helpful advice on top of editing services. For example, the editor suggested that the writer avoid contractions in a professional letter. The editor also suggested that the writer avoid including details of her three boys under 5 years old, commenting that the employer might take this as a negative trait in an employee by assuming that the employee will be absent from work a lot to take care of her three young children.Beyond that, neither the human editor nor Grammarly caught the problem with hyphens in five-years-old (it should not have hyphens between the words unless it is used as an adjective). However, the human editor did suggest removing that phrase entirely, so that could have been the reason she avoided pointing out the error.ResultsGrammarly did a better job of catching errors in this round, so from a simple proofreading standpoint, it was a tie. However, the human editor included important advice concerning the need to remove personal information in a cover letter for a job search, which means the human editor still won this round.Case study #5 â€" Technical writingFor this comparison, we used technical instructions written for a new App that manages a persons contacts.View the original technical instructions document and the human editors corrections.Grammarly caught several instances in which a sent ence ended with a preposition and correctly suggested that passive voice should not be used so much.However, the human editor once again proved to be more helpful for this particular client. For example, the human editor removed an entire sentence about how the App keeps your family and friends from having to post their addresses and contact information on social media (which most people know not to do). The human editor also rewrote some long sentences into shorter, easier-to-read instructions.One strange suggestion Grammarly gave was to remove personal when referring to ones personal link because it creates tautology. While this is a complicated way to say there might be repetitive information, it isnt an example of tautology because the instructions related to a personal link needed the word personal in it to clarify which link should be used.Lastly, here is an example of Grammarly correcting technical writing.ResultsAs with other case studies, the results of this round leave the human editor as the clear winner. Grammarlys algorithm is limited in its ability to make sentences more concise, and if rewriting is needed, Grammarly does not offer suggested rewrites.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Holden Caulfield s Mental Disorder - 1421 Words
Tetonic 1 Nichole Tetonic Psychology of literature Mr. Seaman Due date: 11/10/15 Holden Caulfield’s Mental Disorder Mental disorders can be diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence. Major depression is a lost of interest or pleasure in all activities. People with major depression experience symptoms such as a change of appetite, restlessness sleep, decreased energy, feeling of worthlessness, difficulty concentrating, and/or suicidal thoughts. A major depressive episode can lasts for about 2 weeks or more. A major depressive episode can be caused by stress, social anxiety, or other reasons. People with a milder depression are able to function and seem normal (DSM-IV-TR). A major depressive disorder affects about 14.8 million adults in America with 6.7 million at age 18 and older in the United States population. A depressive disorder can develop in any age and more likely to occur more often in women than in men and any person who is going through a hard time can develop depression. A treatment for individuals with depression is medication, psychotherapy, or attending social groups, 80 p ercent of the people who follow up with these treatments begin to show improvement with in four to six weeks. About 50 percent of the patients that take medicine to â€Å"cure†the depression are unsuccessful with the treatment, because they stop taking their meds due to the side effects, but the people who are in the supportShow MoreRelatedA Socially Acceptable Form Of Schizophrenia1055 Words  | 5 Pageshow arbitrary, and still be acceptable. J.D. Salinger writes The Catcher in the Rye to tell about Holden Caulfield s misadventures in a 1950’s New York. After Holden, the narrator and protagonist, is expelled from yet another boarding school, he hides it from his parents. Mental illness plagues Holden’s life, and at the end of the book, he ends up in a mental hospital in California. Holden Caulfield could be diagnosed with schizophrenia because in The Catcher in the Rye, he exhibits signs of theRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1095 Words  | 5 Pagesin the Rye Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is most commonly thought of as an illness men and women acquire from experiences while serving in the wars. Some do not even know what it is or how much it affects people s lives. In the novel, The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger helps to convey what Post Traumatic Stress Disorder really is. PTSD is a curable condition triggered by a traumatic event with many types, causes, and symptoms displayed by Holden Caulfield. All of the people who suffer fromRead MorePost-Traumatic Stress in Relation to Holden Caulfield1181 Words  | 5 PagesPost-Traumatic Stress In Relation To Holden Caulfield Introduction Throughout life, an individual may endure emotionally and physically straining moments causing the person to become downhearted, and or irate. These feelings are normal, but may however become a problem when these feelings prohibit someone from living a ‘normal life. An estimated 5.2 million American adults ages 18 to 54, or approximately 3.6 percent of people in this age group in a given year, have PTSD (Narrow, Rae, Regier)Read MoreHolden Caulfield : Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1362 Words  | 6 Pagestraumatic stress disorder, most of the time they imagine soldiers returning from war to their families. However, people are not always aware that this disorder occurs in seemingly normal people. In the novel, Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield seems to deal with this disorder. Looking at the surface of the novel, this is unclear. Therefore, this is an inferred trait in the novel. The reader must figure out for themselves that the protagonist retains the disorder. Holden Caulfield suffers from postRead MoreHolden Caulfield Is On His Own Psychological Journey1450 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout the novel of Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield is on his own psychological journey. This journey tells a lot about who Holden is as a person and the problems he is dealing with. It all starts when Holden has flunked out of Pencey Prep. His psychological struggles are triggered by the traumatic event of his brother, Allie, dying 4 years prior. The death of Allie has affected Holden in all aspects of his life, including friends, school, actions, and thoughts. This causes concern in Holden’sRead MoreAnalysis Of Characters And Themes Of The Catcher Rye 1537 Words  | 7 Pagesin the same social conditions as Holden Caulfield does in The Catcher in the Rye. The last thing Salinger cared about was being a successful student because he was very lazy, without care for his responsibilities and tasks. Salinger flunked out of many prep schools, and his pa rents sent him to a military academy named Valley Forge in Pennsylvania, where he graduated in 1936 (Lundquist 7-10). Many critics believe that he modeled Pencey Prep, the school that Holden attended, after Valley Forge. TwoRead MoreHolden Caulfield Assessment Essay941 Words  | 4 PagesINFORMATION IDENTIFYING DATA AND REASON FOR REFERRAL: Holden Caulfield is 17 years of age. He was referred by his parents to determine his mental state. Holden has a history of poor school performance. He has been kicked out of many top of the line private schools. The contributing factors may include death in the family, skipping classes and not putting any effort into his work. SOURCES OF INFORMATION: This information was given to me through interviews with his mother and father, as well as hisRead MoreInto The Mind Of Holden Caulfield1755 Words  | 8 PagesJourneying into the Mind of Holden Caulfield One can conclude that Holden Caulfield is one of the strangest boys you’ll ever meet upon reading J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye. Holden can be happy one second, and down in the dumps the next, or Caulfield can be a lustful, suave man to a woman at one moment, and a downright jerk the next. Throughout the whole book the reader wonders, what is going on in this boy s head? With just a brief skim of the internet, it is clear to see that a prominentRead MoreEssay On Catcher In The Rye702 Words  | 3 Pagesexperiences a severe mental disorder at some point during their life. It is hard for mentally healthy people to know what it feels like getting flashbacks of the things you don’t want to remember It is hard for mentally healthy people to know what it feels like to let go of the past but the past continues to hold on to you. It is hard for mentally healthy people to know what it feels like to be inside a body that wants you to live, but with a mind tha t wants you to die. People with mental illnesses goRead MoreBackground Information:. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The, Artificial Intelligence Pioneer, By Edward Hoagland
A question that is asked by nearly all of us: what accumulates the human species. By my definition, a human is a mortal mammal that has the ability to think, feel, and react, as they desire; furthermore, nearly all feel the urge of acceptance and compassion. Marvin Minsky, artificial intelligence pioneer: We do something other species can’t: We remember. We have cultures, ways of transmitting information ( Specifically, Minsky is indicating that being a human means we can transmit information, for example, expressing our emotions. We each react to our heartache and our bliss in different fashions. Moreover, we all have unique qualities that separate one another. A couple stories from The Writer s Presence, clearly†¦show more content†¦Hoagland s story, vastly connects to me due to growing up with a speech impediment. Kids in my class mocked me; this made me insecure, and I had a difficult time communicating with others. Even though my speech therapist at s chool helped me improve, I still slip up occasionally. These restrictions have cause sounding and spelling out my words to be tough, even to this today. Furthermore, people still pester me when I mess up and become nervous, talk to brisk, or read; similar to Hoagland, I have learned to manage it. When people tease me, I laugh with them and proceed forward. Another example from The Writer s Presence is a story written by Nancy Mairs, who has contributed poetry, short stories, articles, and essays to numerous journals. She wrote an essay called On Being a Cripple, which described her experience of coping with her disabilities: a weak left leg, little usage of her left hand, a decreasing ability to her right side, and a blurred spot in her right eye. She explains that she is blessed that God picked her, knowing she was a strong woman that could handle it. If a cure were found, would I take it? In a minute. In my brand of theology, God doesn t give bonus points for a limp. I d take a cure; I just don t need one. A friend who also has MS startled me once by asking, Do you ever say to yourself, Why me Lord? No Michael, I don t, I told him, because whenever I try, the only response I can think of is Why Not? If I could
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
To Kill a Mockingbird a Literary Analysis Free Essays
In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee tells the reader about the people living in Maycomb County. Throughout the three years we follow these characters; we see how they interact with each other and learn how love and hate are complex emotions. This essay will examine love for family, romantic love, and love for community in order to show how complicated the emotions of love and hate can be. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird: a Literary Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Jem and Scout are growing up in a loving family. Calpurnia is the mother figure to the children. She makes sure both kids are fed and ready for school. She scolds them and watches after them. She takes them to Church and shares the values she has been taught. Atticus is a loving father to Jem and Scout. He always makes time for them. He shares stories with them and helps them to understand the world around them. By helping others in the community and sharing his feelings about understanding others with his children, Atticus is a good role model for Jem and Scout. As siblings, Jem and Scout clearly share a love for each other. They play together, tell each other their secrets and look out for each other. Unfortunately, not all children in Maycomb grow up loved or taught how to love. Mr. Ewell is a mean drunk who does not pay any attention to his family. He does not even make sure that they are fed. He hates people in general and Black people most of all. When he sees his daughter trying to kiss Tom Robinson, he is blinded by hatred and accuses this innocent man of raping her. He is teaching his daughter to hate. As a result, she did not tell the truth in court. Nathan Radley did not show his family love either. Boo has spent his entire life as a prisoner of his own home because his father was overzealous in punishing him for a childhood mistake. Read also How Powerful Do You Find Atticus Finch’s Closing Speech? He also covers the knot hole with tar when he discovers that Boo has been making contact and developing a friendship with Jem and Scout. However, Boo is not the kind of person to learn hatred. He puts a blanket over Scout’s shoulders when she is watching the fire and he saves Jem and Scout when they are attacked by Mr. Ewell. There are not many examples of romantic love in this book. Although Atticus is very involved in the community, he is single and not dating anyone. We do not learn much about Calpurnia’s home life. One example of romantic love that Harper Lee does provide is with Mayella Ewell. She is abused, lonely and unhappy. She fantasizes about being loved and develops a crush on Tom Robinson. Although they never have any real relationship, the idea of one brings out the racist hate for Blacks and divides the community. It also has terrible consequences for Tom. The second example of romantic love is Mr. Raymond, a white man who married a black woman and has mixed children. Mr. Raymond tells the kids that he pretends to be an alcoholic by carrying around a paper bag with a bottle of Coca-Cola inside. He can see that love is not reserved just for people who look like you and live like you do. Because of the racism in town, Mr. Raymond feels the need to fake and illness to help people understand his choice to marry a black woman. Yet, the people in Maycomb do look out for each other too. For example, the whole town works together to save Miss Maudie’s things when there is a fire in her house. The real problem is that they seem to care about only those people who are like them. In chapter 23, Jem describes four kinds of â€Å"folks†in Maycomb County: â€Å"Our kind of folks don’t like the Cunninghams, the Cunninghams don’t like the Ewells, and the Ewells hate and despise the colored folks. This attitude in Maycomb means that the people in the community will continue to be divided. Scout understands this and says, â€Å"There’s just one kind of folks. Folks. †Harper Lee stresses this point with the incident outside the courthouse. Scout doesn’t comprehend what is going on, so she greets Mr. Cunningham warmly and asks him to say â€Å"hey†to his son for her. This greeting reminds him that they live in a small town and that everybody should get along. He breaks up the lynch group and everybody goes home. In fact, rather than being Cunninghams or Ewells, the majority of the people in town are more like mockingbirds. They live their lives and don’t really do any harm to those around them. Atticus tries to tell the children that loving or hating are not nearly as important as understanding others. On page 39, Atticus explains, â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view – until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. †This simple advice helps to replace simple categories of loving or hating with a one mixed with respect and compassion. How to cite To Kill a Mockingbird: a Literary Analysis, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Business Analysis Techniques Marketing - Click to Get Solution
Question: Discuss about the Business analysis techniques for Marketing ? Answer: Introduction: Marketing a service or product is crucial in achieving organizational goals and objectives. Formulating a marketing plan can be used in circumstances where fundraising or spreading awareness is required. In the United Kingdom, animal cruelty is frequently occurring with cases being reported on a daily basis; however, the true extent of animal cruelty within the country is not known, as most times incidents of animal neglect and cruelty are not reported. In this assignment I will propose a marketing plan for RSPCA, one of the countrys leading NGOs that tackle issues related to animal neglect and cruelty. Situational Analysis: RSPCA is the countrys oldest welfare charity that has been protecting animal rights from for many decades. They operate most parts of the country with most major cities possessing at least one centre. They have been promoting animal welfare in all parts of the country and is considered one of UKs most trusted animal NGOs. Their popularity is represented by the fact that they receive calls every 30 seconds from all parts of the country, on their 24x7 animal cruelty helpline; this however demonstrates the scale of the problem within the UK, with 1,299,163 calls received in 2014 (, 2016). Figure 1: RSPCA, company logo (Source:, 2016) External analysis Zeithaml et al. (2010, p.14) mentioned that in order to understand the current situation of a company within the environment in which it operates, it is vital to conduct an analysis on the external environment. PESTLE, an analytical tool, facilitates this purpose. The tool takes into consideration six factors which may affect the organisations activities or general functioning. These factors include political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental. Political: -Government attitudes towards the importance of protecting animal rights -Laws to prevent animal cruelty like Animal Welfare Act 2006, ThePet Animals Act 1951, and The Performing Animals (Regulation) Act 1925. -Laws controlling business related activities like breeding and selling; Breeding and Sale of Dogs (Welfare) Act 1999. Economic: -Sponsorship availability -Rising costs of medicines Social: -Culture for having pets where 46% of all households in the United Kingdom possessed a type of pet in 2015. -High levels of pet abuse -Rising levels of business related activities with animals Technological: -Microchip tagging facilities readily available -Innovations in medical industry Legal: -Charities Act of 2011 -Cases of animal abuse registered against RSPCA Environmental: -Rising consciousness towards ecological and sustainable operations -Environmental Protection Act of 1990, Environment Act of 1995, - Wildlife protection Acts Table 1: PESTLE analysis, RSPCA (Source: Created by Author) Company Swot Prior to formulating a marketing plan, it is important to understand strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that are apparent to the company Lovelock et al. 2014, p.14). Hence, using a SWOT analysis I will identify RSPCAs strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strengths -Large working force that includes paid and voluntary workers -Experience in animal protection and rescue -High donation accumulation via online website -267 full time, 46 part time inspectors allow large numbers of cases to be investigated Weaknesses -Animal welfare not a major priority among other charities -Small number of partners -Workforce not available at full strength at all times Opportunities -Forming partnerships with local schools -Purchasing new land at subsidised rates -Setting up a pet store to sell rescued pets to responsible owners Threats - Dwindling funds -Difficulty finding major sponsors -Increasing numbers of animal trafficking Table 3: SWOT, RSPCA UK (Source: Created by Author) Segmentation: Segmenting customers to smaller more specific groups is vital to success of the marketing plan. By separating customers from generalised groups to more specific ones, allows organisations to identify different characteristics and target niches. In regard to RSPCA an animal charity, segmentation is slightly different from other companies due to the non-profit nature of the organisation. RSPCAs segmentation is represented in the following table: Audience Service offered location General customers (all age groups) are the key audiences required to keep the NGO functioning -Veterinary services -Animal rescue -Prosecution -Rehabilitation All across the United Kingdom Students (5 to 18 years) -Animal handling demonstrations -Presentations regarding animal cruelty in the UK Local schools and universities Other NGOs are key to raise funds and make operations sustainable -Sharing knowledge regarding animal cruelty -Engaging in co-op missions to bust animal abusers (bird fighting and dog fighting) -Working together to introduce new Laws -Investigation At monthly meetings in RSPCA HQ Table 2: RSPCA customer segmentation (Source: Created by Author) Clarification of objectives: The primary objective of the plan is to raise awareness regarding good animal care and cruelty. In addition, while in the process of doing so, raising funds will be considered a secondary objective. The rising incidents of animal cruelty and lack of awareness in cities justifies the chosen primary objective. While the threat of RSPCAs dwindling funds make the secondary objective justified. Setting strategy: Since being a charity, the RSPCAs key targets are general people all around the country. The NGOs existence relies on the number of customers it can service, and the number of animals it can save at any given point of time. When people avail the services of RSPCA, the NGOs effectiveness is realised by investors and other charities; this in turn raises funds for the company. Hence, targeting generalised customers allows the NGO to meet its objectives and goals while being financially sustainable. Specifying tactics and required action: According to Hoffman and Bateson (2010, p.22), a marketing plan can be determined using the marketing mix tool, where Product, Place, Price, Promotion, People, Processes and Physical Evidence are proposed. Traditionally the marketing mix consisted of 4 Ps as created by E. Jerome McCarthy. However, modern marketing theorists introduced the three additional Ps, Processes, People, and Physical Evidence to add depth and make the mix more functional. Below I have used the 7 P's marketing mix model as framework to formulate a marketing plan for RSPCA (Refer to appendix 1 for more information). Product - When selecting a product to market it must well designed to meet the target group or customers; hence, it should meet the purpose it is intended for or what people expect from it as mentioned by Mudie and Pirrie (2012, p.100). In regard to RSPCA, being a charity they offer services rather than products; hence the service selected to market is veterinarian services. The service will be able for all pets and will include a general check-up, x-ray and advice for further diagnosis. In addition, a one hour presentation over maintaining and keeping good care of the service users pet. Price: - Moeller (2010, p.361) stated that setting the price of the product/service is a critical aspect of organisational success. Before setting the price it is important to understand the customers perceived value. If price is set too low then it could lead to a loss for the organisation. On the other hand if prices are set to high it could detract customers as argued by Boksberger and Melsen (2011, p.231) The service will be marketed as free service, to encourage the more customers, allowing the RSPCA to spread awareness about animal care in the process. Although the initial service will be free, additional procedures like clipping nails, dental work, stitching etc will be offered at 50% discount. This will allow the company to meet its objective of raising funds. Place - When selecting a place to offer the service, marketers must choose a location that is easily accessible to target audiences. Whether the service will be provided in a mall or via the online platform, location or place can act as deterrent to attracting customers if selected incorrectly as mentioned by Cadle et al. 2010, p.141). Stratford Centre Mall located at 54a Broadway is selected as the place to offer the service. The Mall has received 4.1/5 star ratings from online reviews, and has become extremely popular among people in East London. A corner location will be hired near the pet accessory and supply stores to catch the attention of passing pet owners, maximising the potential to attract customers. Promotion Sashi (2012, p.261) stated that promotion is the essential tool for spread awareness about a product/service. It serves to send a message to people, affecting their impressions over the product. Marketers must select the correct promotional strategy to match the service offered while taking budget restrictions into consideration (Erdomu and Cicek, 2012, p.1355). Online promotion will mainly be used to promote the veterinarian services. The use of social media like facebook and twitter will be prioritised, where details of the service and location will be advertised on company profile pages. In addition, advertising through printed banners will be placed outside the Mall to attract potential pet owners (Lovejoy and Saxton, 2012, p.340). People - Gordon (2012, p.125) mentioned that a well designed marketing plan will select people that match the service being offered. This may include maintenance staff, front counter service staff, sales staff and service personnel. The service will be available 24x7 with staff changing shifts every 8 hours. 6 experienced veterinarians will be available: 2 per 8 hour shifts from Monday till Friday. While during the weekends, veterinarian trainees and college interns will be responsible for services. In addition, all people selected will wear white and grey uniforms with the organisation logo. Moreover, all staff will be trained in PowerPoint and ICT, to facilitate the 1 hour awareness presentations post the service. In addition, maintenance and cleaning of equipment will be carried out by Med Serve, an organisational partner of RSPCA. Physical evidence: - Chikweche and Fletcher (2012, p.517) stated that every service or product has some physical evidence or tangibility that makes it real. Physical evidence in this regard refers to the environment and physical objects that interact with the customer while delivering the service. Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene of the store will be prioritised to ensure that the customer feels comfortable. All equipments will be sterilised using alcohol and anti-bacterial liquids prior and after use. Three vet tables will be provided allowing multiple pets to be checked simultaneously. The tables have extended flaps, soft cushioning and wheels to ensure easy movement and comfort. Processes Arseculeratne and Yazdanifard, (2014, p.130) stated that processes include all steps that allow the product/service to be delivered to the customer. These processes include manufacturing of items, managing supplies, ordering new inventory items, customer handling etc. In regard to the service being offered by RSPCA at Stratford Centre Mall, customer service is prioritised and stressed upon. Staffs are expected to be gentle to the animals that arrive at the store, as customers hold their pets dear. In addition, cooperation with customer views will also be stressed. When customers arrive their information along with their pet medical history will be entered in RSPCAs online database, following which a medical checkup and x-ray if required. Upon completing the examination customers will be given the option to avail the 1 hour presentation regarding their pet. Moreover, the option to donate will also be presented which will help gather additional funds. Measuring performance: In order to measure the performance of the plan the following steps will be implemented- Identifying performance indicators that are measurable and observable Fixing a value on theses identified indicators, by setting thresholds ranges Measuring values from these indicators Benchmarking the measured values by comparing them with the threshold ranges set, enabling performance to be measured How the promotion mix was used Each element of the promotional mix plays a crucial role in successful promotion of a product or service. The elements of the promotional mix include advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, publicity and direct marketing. Using this mix non-paid advertising on social media and paid advertisements through banners was selected. Theory supporting the decision According to the pull strategy, for a service to be successfully promoted, marketing communication must be heavily relied and stressed upon, allowing the campaign to spread awareness among potential service users. Why the choice was made This decision to promote the service on the companys facebook profile page and twitter account is not only cost effective but also targets a range of pet owners, NGOs and potential donors. Since the RSPCA faces dwindling funds, engaging in paid advertising over other forms media would prove difficult. However, banner advertisements outside the Mall were fairly cheap to setup and maintain, hence their selection. The reason for selecting RSPCA was that the organisation possess a rich history in fighting against animal cruelty within the United Kingdom. Moreover, they possess vast amounts of assets in the form of manpower and specialised personnel that will help make the promotion plan a success. In addition, the RSPCA is currently facing fund shortages within various departments, which the proposed promotion plan could help in sorting out. While the popularity of the organisation will help it spread awareness and promote good pet care across the country. Brochure poster Figure 2: Sample Brochure for Social media promotion (Source: Created by Author) Conclusion: Marketing planning plays a pivotal role in an organization's strategy, by assessing the internal and environment. Strengths and weakness can be identified by using analytical tools, and making the correct decision with regard to launching a service. Using the proposed plan RSPCA can only better their cause towards fighting animal cruelty but also raise funds in the process. The NGOs dwindling funds makes this plan vital for their continued success as a charity. Reference List: Books Cadle, J., Paul, D. and Turner, P., (2010).Business analysis techniques: 72 essential tools for success. BCS, The Chartered Institute. Hoffman, K. and Bateson, J., (2010) .Services marketing: concepts, strategies, cases. Cengage Learning. Lovelock, C., Patterson, P.G. and Wirtz, J., (2014).Services marketing. Pearson, Australia. Mudie, P. and Pirrie, A., (2012).Services marketing management. Routledge. Zeithaml, V.A., Bitner, M.J. and Gremler, D.D., (2010).Services marketing strategy. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Journals Arseculeratne, D. and Yazdanifard, R., (2014). How green marketing can create a sustainable competitive advantage for a business.International business research,7(1), p.130. Boksberger, P.E. and Melsen, L., (2011). Perceived value: a critical examination of definitions, concepts and measures for the service industry. Journal of Services Marketing,25(3), pp.229-240. Chikweche, T. and Fletcher, R., (2012). Revisiting the marketing mix at the bottom of pyramid (BOP): from theoretical considerations to practical realities.Journal of Consumer Marketing,29(7), pp.507-520. Erdomu, .E. and Cicek, M., (2012). The impact of social media marketing on brand loyalty.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,58, pp.1353-1360. Gordon, R., (2012). Re-thinking and re-tooling the social marketing mix. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ),20(2), pp.122-126. Lovejoy, K. and Saxton, G.D., (2012). Information, community, and action: how nonprofit organizations use social media.Journal of Computer Mediated Communication,17(3), pp.337-353. Moeller, S., (2010). Characteristics of services-a new approach uncovers their value.Journal of Services Marketing,24(5), pp.359-368. Sashi, C.M., (2012). Customer engagement, buyer-seller relationships, and social media.Management decision,50(2), pp.253-272. Websites (2016). RSPCA - Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Mar. 2016].
Monday, March 30, 2020
Lieutenant Hornblower an Example of the Topic Personal Essays by
Lieutenant Hornblower by Expert Prof. Bill | 08 Dec 2016 Lieutenant Hornblower: A General Look on the Novels Depiction of Historical Events There are many novelists who viewed history as a form of journey or adventure. Using fictitious or real characters, these novelists often exaggerate famous or infamous events in order to entice the reader to ask for more information (about the event). Exaggeration, for the most, creates an atmosphere of compassion, justice, and at times, moral flexibility on the minds of the readers. This is not to say that all historical novels attempt to exaggerate historical events and characters. There are some novels which, more or less, depict historical events with some degree of accuracy. Need essay sample on "Lieutenant Hornblower" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed In any case, there are drawbacks when an author exaggerates historical events. There is tendency for both the author and the reader to give more credit to inpidual characters than to the historical events to which they are situated. Focus is therefore changed. Second, exaggeration causes misinterpretation on the part of the reader. For the most, the reader may interpret history as the work of great men not as the collective actions of inpiduals. History as the change of period is replaced as the epochs of famous men. Social scientists call this fallacy as misrepresentation of reality. In this paper, the author will analyze the correlation of the novel Lieutenant Hornblower to the historical events to which it is located. Summary of the Novel During the late 18th century, Napoleon rose to power in France. Eradicating his enemies, he pursued an aggressive war policy against the British Empire. Napoleon forced European nations to cancel trade and economic relations with the British Empire. By doing so, Napoleon hoped that he could destroy British maritime power (since Great Britain would be forced to reduce its naval expenses to cope up with economic difficulties). Before his policy could take effect, he ordered the French and Spanish fleets to attack the English fleet at Trafalgar. The British won a decisive victory. This is the historical period in which the novel was based. The character, Horatio Hornblower, is a persona modeled after Horatio Nelson, the British admiral who led the British fleet to victory at the Battle of Trafalgar. Like Lord Nelson, he was strong minded, courageous, and intelligent. He never conceived retreating as an option. Whenever possible, he would search for an opening in the enemy. Utilizing his cleverness, he would take advantage of any situation that might give him a chance for victory (Forester, 134). Often, his conquests in the high seas overshadowed his own personal failures; personal failures that can be rooted from his inability to maintain his composure when reason seemed to contradict his opinion. To many readers, Horatio Hornblower is a hero of simple origin, yet the embodiment of English values. During his youth, he worked tirelessly in the ports of England (Forester, 26). His career prospered. His first 15 years in the shipyards was truly fascinating. He became a midshipman, then a commodore, and finally an admiral. Because of his victories at sea, he was promoted almost yearly. He, therefore, became a legend. The Novels Misrepresentation of History A detailed reading of the novel would give the reader a clear glimpse of the historical period to which Hornblower is situated. However, by comparing the novel with historical texts, one is forced to admit that the novel has in many ways misrepresented the said historical period. Here are some: 1) English naval issues during the time of Napoleon were not concentrated on values creation but rather on strategic initiatives. Most of the British naval commanders at that time were not concerned with posture or will power but tactics (Hall et al, 517); 2) The author failed to emphasize the collective effort of inpiduals. By assuming that the leadership of a naval commander is sufficient to acquire victory, the author is impliedly saying that collective action is inferior to the acts of the great person (note that during the pseudo mutiny of Lt. Hornblower, he was the one leading the crew against the captain a form of perpetual focus); 3) On the macro political scale, the author also assumed that Napoleons defeat was due to the superior intellect and cunning of its naval commanders (represented by Hornblower). This is not the case. Napoleons defeat, for sure, was due to Britains leadership of the alliance against Napoleon, but never to the prowess of its naval commanders; 4) And, some of the historical events in the novel were blurred in favor of a general focus on the main character. This was intentional. If the historical events were emphasized, the character then would lose focus. The consequence: the reader would become intoxicated with already known facts (in short, the whole story would be boring). Whether intentional or not, the author failed to give an accurate account of the historical event Hornblower is located. Works Cited Forester, C.S. Lieutenant Hornblower London: London Publishing Company, 1952. Hall, C. et al. A History of England and the Empire-Commonwealth. London: Ginn Publishing Company, 1975.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Mother-Daughter Relationship in Seventeen Syllables and Everyday Use Essays
Mother-Daughter Relationship in Seventeen Syllables and Everyday Use Essays Mother-Daughter Relationship in Seventeen Syllables and Everyday Use Paper Mother-Daughter Relationship in Seventeen Syllables and Everyday Use Paper In â€Å"Seventeen Syllables†, written by Hisaye Yamamoto, and â€Å"Everyday Use†, written by Alice Walker, the relationship between the mother and the daughter is portrayed. In â€Å"Seventeen Syllables†, the protagonist, Rosie is an American born Japanese (Nisei) who does not understand well about the Japanese culture, whereas her Issei mother, Mrs. Hayashi was born and raised in Japan and married to America. Mrs. Hayashi loves writing haiku, a traditional Japanese poetry, to escape from the reality of her loveless marriage. In â€Å"Everyday Use†, Mama is a traditional Afro-American woman, who receives little education and raised her two daughters by doing ‘man’s job’. Dee instead influenced by the Black Power Movement, tried to trace back her African root. She learned the African culture and changed her name into Wangero. This essay hopes to explore the similarities and differences of the mother-daughter relationship depicted in these two short stories, which is Rosie and Mrs. Hayashi, and Dee and Mama respectively. To start with, one of the similarities is that there is alienation in the two pairs due to cultural differences. In â€Å"Seventeen Syllables†, Rosie represents the American culture and Mrs. Hayashi represents the Japanese culture. Rosie was born and raised in America and English is her mother language; whereas her mother, Mrs. Hayashi ‘had even less English, no French’ as her mother tongue is Japanese. She came to America as a picture bride to deveop a loveless marriage with Rosie’s father and her Japanese culture is deep-rooted. She loves to write haiku, which Rosie fails to understand it. She thinks â€Å"English lay ready on the tongue but Japanese had to be searched for and examined. Due to their difference in cultural background, Rosie finds it difficult to communicate with her mother. She has to ‘pretended to understand the haiku thoroughly and appreciate it no end’ when her mother reads her the haiku she wrote. Therefore, she turns out communicating less with her mother and fakes her mother by â€Å"saying yes yes, even when one meant no, no. â € This can be seen when Mrs. Hayashi asks Rosie to comment on the haiku she writes, and Rosie replies in a perfunctory way. There is deception from Rosie to Mrs. Hayashi as well. Similarly, there is also alienation between the mother and the daughter, Mama and Dee in â€Å"Everyday Use†due to cultural differences. Mama represents a normal woman in the Afro-American culture; whereas Dee denies her original culture of an Afro- American and learns the African culture due to Black Power Movement. Mama, as a Black American, lives in the rural South of the States and receives little education only. Mama is strong and does quilting at home. Dee, on the other hand, adapts an African culture which she learns from books and her peers. However, this African culture is vague and superficial. This can be seen when she changes her name from Dee to Wangero because she â€Å"couldn’t bear to be named after the people who oppress [her]†, but ‘Wangero’ in fact is a mispelt name of an African language. Due to their differences in cultural beliefs, they have different views and perspectives on things and heritages like quilts and churn. Mama thinks that according to tradition, churn and quilts are for everyday and practical use. But to Wangero, quilts are in fact dead object and should be appreciated as an art work. Their different view on things lead to alienation between the mother and the daughter. Another similarity is that this inter-generational difference both leads to isolation and difficulty in understanding each other in the two stories. In â€Å"Seventeen Syllables†, Rosie, as an Americanized girl, lacks interest in learning and understanding haiku or Japanese culture as a whole. Even when she goes over to see the Hayano family, she and the four sisters discusses the new coat in English and lacks the Japanese manners which is deep-seeded in the Japanese culture. This difference in lifestyle and habits cause her hard to communicate with her traditional Japanese mother. The conflict between Rosie and Mrs. Hayashi mirrors the conflicts between the Issei and Nisei. The Nisei generation, who knows â€Å"formal Japanese by fits and starts†, has totally no interest on the traditional Japanese culture. However, the Issei generation sticks to their original culture and even starts magazines to trace back their life in Japan. As a result, the two generations, the Issei, Mrs. Hayashi and the Nisei, Rosie find it difficult to understand each other. It results in the isolation of the two generation. In â€Å"Everyday Use†, there is also isolation and oppression between the mother-daughter relationship of Mama and Dee. After Dee grows up and receives education, it makes her differ from the rest of the family who only stays in the sub-urban area and receives less or no education. She is exposed to the values of the new world with civil rights and equality, which Mama has totally no idea of what they are. Dee has greater visibility and zero tolerance for equality. Also, Dee has a sense of autonomy and individuality after receiving education. These are the things that Mama has not got in touch with before. Therefore, it leads to them not understanding the action of each other. For example, Dee wants to use the churn top and quilts as artistic uses and she do not understand why they are â€Å"backward enough to put them to everyday use†. Mama however sees the churn top as a kind of heritage which has been used for generation. It is the most appropriated to use it practically. Their difference in interpretation and knowledge of civil rights make Dee isolated herself from Mama and the family. It also leads to difficulty in understanding of another person’s acts. Although there are similarities regarding the mother-daughter relationship in the two set stories, there are also some differences in their relationship. In â€Å"Seventeen Syllables†, Rosie, the Nisei daughter falls victim to the mother’s experience. At that time, Rosie is struggling whether she should accept the love from Jesus or not. When Jesus kisses her, she â€Å"fell for the entirely victim to a helplessness delectable beyond speech†. However, toward the end of the story, her mother reveals her past experience to Rosie. Although Rosie do not want to know the truth which â€Å"would combine with the other violence of the hot afternoon to level her life to the very ground†, Mrs. Hayashi still tells Rosie the story about her and her young lover. She asks Rosie to promise her not to get marry as well as she do not want her daughter to face the same destiny. Rosie is in the dilemma of whether to reject Jesus and follows her mother’s word, or still follows her heart to tell Jesus how she feels. From this, we can see that the daughter falls victim to the mother’s past of whether starting a relationship or not. However, in â€Å"Everyday Use†, it is the mother, Mama who falls victim to the daughter, Dee’s experience instead. Dee, after receiving education, starts to use her knowledge to dominate the family. She gets in touch with others through schooling and education, which Maggie and Mama do not have the chance to do so. However, Mama actually thinks that these new ideas and knowledge that she has never known cause them fear and intimidation instead. It is described by Mama that Dee â€Å"washed us in a river of make-believe and burned us with a lot of knowledge we didn’t necessarily need to know†. Mama even thinks that they are â€Å"trapped†underneath Dee’s voice when she told them the things she learned in school. Dee uses her intellect to intimidate others, such as greeting her mother with a language Mama do not speak. These knowledge has even posted a threat to the simple world Mama and Maggie is living and separated Dee from her family. This divisive power of education leads to her mother falls victim to Dee’s experience. To conclude, there are similarities and differences in the mother-daughter relationship in â€Å"Seventeen Syllables†and â€Å"Everyday Use†. The two pairs, Mama and Dee, and Mrs. Hayashi and Rosie, are both alienated and lack of understanding of each other due to cultural and inter-generational differences. However, the victims in these two relationships are different. In â€Å"Seventeen Syllables†, the daughter struggles from the mother’s experiences; but in â€Å"Everyday Use†, it is the mother instead who struggles from the knowledge the daughter forces to her which she thinks is unnecessary and hard to understand.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
NURSES' RESPONSIBILITY in the Prevention of Medication Errors Assignment
NURSES' RESPONSIBILITY in the Prevention of Medication Errors - Assignment Example ‘‘The problem of medication errors can be avoided only when the nurses take a keen interest on their jobs by being highly skilled in their profession’’ (Joint Commission Resources, Inc. 2001, 13). Nurses Responsibility in the Prevention of Medication Errors Have you ever imagined a world where there are no nurses? Individuals would be succumbing to deaths from various causes like injuries to sickness. Nurses’ role can never be underestimated as they play a significant part in saving lives in both public and hospital hospitals since in most cases medication errors leads to ‘‘complex sorrows’’ (Cohen, 2007, 50). This essay discusses nurses’ responsibility in the prevention of medications errors. One of the duties of a nurse is the administration of drugs. Even when the other processes of treatment have been properly completed, wrong administration of drugs can lead to serious problems to the patient. ‘‘Some o f the worst medication errors involve some of the best and experienced practitioners’’ (Cohen, 2007, 49) It is therefore necessary for the nurse to ensure that the drugs reach the patient through the correct route. An example, oral liquid medications meant for administration through a gastric tube have been given intravenously ear drops have been instilled in the eye and eye drops in the ear (Joint Commission Resources, Inc. 2001). Another role of the nurse is patient education. It is the responsibility of the nurse to educate their patients on safe medication use. The patient should be fully aware of what each of the medications are for, the way they should be taken, how it appears, and how they functions to be to help reduce the likelihood of medication errors. Nurses should, therefore, counsel and educate their patients about their medications at all times. Since nurses administer medicines and injections to patients; they are also bound to ensure that there are no dose miscalculations to help reduce medication errors. Dose miscalculations are extremely common medications drugs administered intravenously and medications used for pediatric patients. Studies have shown that errors in dose calculations in pediatric, are not only common but also fatal: mistakes of 10 fold or more happen up to 1.5% of the time (Joint Commission Resources, Inc. 2001). Nurses should accurately apply the three methods before administering doses to their patients to prevent medication errors. They are the basic formula which is commonly used by nurses in most hospitals, ratio and proportion methods which is outdated as it was used before the advent of technology, and the fractional calculation method. Accurate administration of calculated doses assist in the medication administration process as it leads to better quality information with which a doctor or nurse should prescribe a treatment. Nurses are also tasked with admitting and discharging patients; therefore, they are expected to get the information regarding the patients’ history and other medical details. This information is helpful in cases where the patient has an allergy to the same medication he is to be put on. ‘Failure by the nurse to take correct history of allergy can lead to serious problems in the event of administration of drugs that causes allergic reactions to the patient’. The Lesar and colleagues study on factors associated with prescribing errors found out that the allergy to drug rate was 11.7%, a
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Family Law issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Family Law issues - Essay Example It is important to get into matrimonial alliance with a life time strategy. Trial and error methods cannot work because there are certain issues that simply do not work on trial and error strategy. Selflessness and sacrifices do not go hand in hand with trial and error strategies. Rather they work exclusively in relationships where the partners are quite clear that marriage is a do-or-die affair, where one swim or sink together. In simple terms, you are either in the circle or out of it. One either learns to command and lead from the front or tail away at the rear in meek, abject surrender to the leader's beck and call. The first few steps and promises at the altar at the time of marriage are only symbolic. They only expound the binding factor that what God has put together, nobody puts asunder! Once this sanctity is broken or tampered with, it breaks a natural order at a very high cost to the couple and other innocent lives leaving them to bear the disastrous consequences for no fault of theirs. Teresa's matrimonial history is the regular mix of trial and error and these are best handled at the initial stage. It is commonly acknowledged that nobody is perfect, and by and large, few will readily admit their faults and shortcomings at the start of a relationship. The proverbial stitch in time saves nine applies to long term relationships like marriage. Teresa accepted George's lies about his aristocratic ancestry without discretion. She married him in the hope that there was a windfall headed her way through him. She was also fortunate enough to live through almost a decade of blissful married life when she gave birth to two sons, William and Liam. Nonetheless, now Teresa is going through testing times due to George's changed behavior and perceived lack of interest in their family affairs. The problem is compounded due to his alcoholism, abusive behavior which is degenerating to violence. The last straw in her tolerance level is breached when he discloses his intention to change his name and sex. In all probability, George has developed with homosexual symptoms and is in a gay relationship. (Gender recognition) 2. The Options Left with no reasonable option, Teresa is considering divorce and annulment of her marriage to George. She is also considering protection from George's abusive behavior and possibility of physical attacks in future. Prima facie, Teresa has good case for divorce. However, in the absence of solid proof she is not in a position to initiate legal action. She has to make sure that she has all the facts in place so that if and when she does file for divorce, the proceedings are in her favor. She also wants to know if George could be made to leave the house. Obviously, she is keen on holding on to their house for herself and her children. Legal procedures are complicated and require expert legal advisors to handle the case. The application of legal terms and procedures differ from case to case. For instance, once the case is filed
Monday, January 27, 2020
Preventing Cardiovascular, Diabetes, and Cancer (CDC) Strips
Preventing Cardiovascular, Diabetes, and Cancer (CDC) Strips Novel Strategies Halt Cardiovascular, Diabetes, and Cancer Strips Summary Since the authors found firstly there are cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancers (CDC) strips and disclosed their mechanisms, classifications and clinical significances, there is an arising problem how to prevent and halt CDC strips. Fortunately, the authors had already developed new strategies which based previous works for the prevention of coronary heart disease (CVD), cardiovascular events (CVEs) and healthcare, etc. These novel strategies, which including sleep, emotion, exercise and diet intervention (SEEDi), E (e)nvironment + SEED intervention [E (e)SEEDi] and even Hu’s healthy lifestyles[E (e)SEED-BasED ones] intervention (HHLi), also called â€Å"Chinese vaccine†or â€Å"hero for human health (H.H.H)†, as the core elements of â€Å"Grade 210 prevention†, play an important role in the prevention and management of human chronic non-communicable disease (NCD) when combined with RT-ABCDEF strategy, for example, obesity-OSA-hypertension (OOH) sy ndrome, C-type hypertension (CtH) and sudden cardiac death (SCD), and especially in halting CDC strips the authors discovered. Keywords: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, prevention, healthy lifestyles Since the authors found firstly there are cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes and cancers strips and named them CDC strips, and disclosed further their mechanisms, classifications and clinical significances,1 there is an arising problem how to prevent and halt CDC strips. In this article, with several conceptual and technical breakthrough, the authors will introduce several novel strategies which were developed based on previous work for effectively preventing and halting CDC strips.2-6 The authors have already developed new strategies in previous works for the prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD), cardiovascular events (CVEs) and healthcare ( These novel strategies, which based on sleep, emotion, exercise and diet (SEED) intervention, was also called â€Å"Chinese vaccine†or â€Å"hero for human health (H.H.H)†. As the core elements of â€Å"Grade 210 prevention†, they play an important role in the prevention and management of human non-infectious chronic disease (NCD) when combined with RT-ABCDEF strategy,5 for example, sudden cardiac death (SCD) and obesity-OSA-hypertension (OOH) syndrome Dr. Chun-Song Hu and Prof. Da-Yi Hu discovered and first named,7 especially in halting CDC strips. Introduction of Novel strategies Since healthy â€Å"SEED†rulers were developed in 2005 according to great clinical experiences, authors conducted positively these novel strategies in clinical for primary and secondary preventions of CVD, CVEs and healthcare, and cited the related article,2, 3, 6 then developed further into â€Å"E (e)SEED†due to the important role of environment. Together with Prof. Sheng-Shou Hu, these new strategies were still developed into more novel â€Å"E (e)SEED-BasED†healthy lifestyles by innovated idea, and named â€Å"Hu’s healthy lifestyles (HHL)†in 2009. The key tips of these strategies for NCDs, especially CDC strips are showed as follows (Table 1). 2. Novel strategies for the early evaluation of RFs CVD is the number one killer and a leading cause of death in the world. There was 17.5 million death cases every year, which bring a big burden and great challenge for public health. Moreover, it plays a key role in the development of CDC strips. Single gene defects, target diseases have now come to include multi-genetic and multi-factorial diseases, such as CVD, neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons disease, T2DM or T1DM, and human cancer, especially CDC strips. Therefore, to screen and evaluate early CV status is very important to the prediction and prevention of CVEs and CDC strips. Both previous experimental and clinical studies confirmed the role of single factor in the development of human disease. However, little is known about multi-factors’ role (more than 5 to10, even 20 or more). The authors developed Chinese E (e)SEED-BasED score (CEBS) according to â€Å"E (e)SEED-BasED†healthy lifestyle. These healthy elements and related RFs play a very important role in human health. That is to say, if people intervene early with these RFs, they can keep effectively from CDC strips. As showed in last table, the authors have already developed these new strategies for better healthcare. In Round 3 application of GCE project (, authors further developed a novel strategy that was based on a QA list and CEBS (Table 2). According to CEBS, people can determine CDC strips hazard levels from low, moderate to high, thus, adopt effective measures including follow-up, and intervention with SEED, E (e)SEED or HHL, these are SEEDi, E (e)SEEDi, or HHLi. The authors believe CEBS will be better for the early evaluation of NCDs, especially CDC strips based on previous work and this creative idea. Here, the authors may compare easily with other scores, such as QRISK a new CVD risk score for the United Kingdom,8-11 Framingham CVD algorithm (FA) and Scottish score (ASSIGN) (Table 2). These scores focus on standard, common, classic, multiple modifiable or non-modifiable (eg. positive family history) RFs, but the authors think that CEBS is advantaged, validated, global with 15 classifications of core RFs. 3. RT-ABCDEF strategy and Grade 210 prevention for NCDs or CDC strips RT-ABCDEF strategy developed in previous work is very suitable for the management and prevention of human disease,5 especially NCDs or CDC strips. The key tips as follows (Table 3): As we all known, early prevention is the best choice of treatment. Efforts to achieve the ambitious goals of Healthy China or World 2020 require new synthetic strategies for delivering healthy policy, primary and secondary prevention. Here the authors named it â€Å"Grade 210 prevention†. Due to HHL containing preventive and care strategies for these core RFs, it’s core elements of â€Å"Grade 210 prevention†. Therefore, it’s worthy of conducting and application in the global nations, not just healthcare providers and medical organizations. Of course, collaborative efforts among governments, private healthcare providers, insurers, policymakers, nonprofit organizations, and the global public are necessary for â€Å"Grade 210 prevention†. Generally speaking, it’s a synthetic core strategy of healthcare for everyone or anyone and from birth to death. 4. SEEDi, E (e)SEEDi or HHLi for CDC strips Most of patients with NCDs, including chronic heart failure (CHF), particularly those with more severe HF, and T2DM or T1DM, need the option of palliative care as assessed by symptom burden, depression, and spiritual well-being just as advanced cancer patients do.12 That is to say, palliative care is effective on most of CDC strips. The development of CDC strips results from the shared many RFs related to lifestyles according to the authors’ â€Å"Bad SEED†+/- â€Å"bad soil†Theory or Doctrine.1 Thus, it needs synthetic strategies to prevent and control the development of CDC strips. Therapeutic lifestyles interventions, such as SEEDi, E (e)SEEDi or HHLi , which based on E (e)SEED-BasED lifestyles, eg. HHLi related rational drug interventions (Table 4), can significantly improve nutrition and physical activity behavior and can reduce many of the RFs associated with common NCDs, especially CDC strips. The authors think that it was very useful and effective to most of CDC strips in the global. Therefore, people may call it â€Å"Chinese vaccine†or â€Å"hero for human health (H.H.H)†. It may help reducing in morbidity and mortality of CDC strips. For example, among 74,607 men and women, aged 60 or more, without CHD, stroke, or cancer at enrolment, the Mediterranean diet, modified so as to apply across Europe, was associated with increased survival among older people and is associated with longer life expectancy among elderly Europeans.13 These results also help explain the role of SEEDi, E (e)SEEDi or HHLi. â€Å"Rainbow diet†we conducted in HHL is also very helpful due to balanced nutrition. For example, coffee consumption was verified to be helpful in the prevention of NCDs,14 including CDC strips. Besides, green tea and grape are also useful foods as interventional choice of diets, because increasing consumption of vegetables and fruits may elevate the levels of anti-oxidative components.15 According to updated study in Nature,16 diet is the main factor which linked with gut microbial ecology and health because unbalanced dietary nutrients can cause intestinal inflammation, and induce human aged. Another clinical t rial showed that both walking and vigorous exercise are associated with substantial reductions in the incidence of cardiovascular events among postmenopausal women.17 Yuga, Chinese Taiji and Qigong are also useful physical activity for the prevention of CDC strips. As a part of HHLi, rational drug choice also plays an important role in initiation, progression, treatment and prevention of NCDs, especially in effectively halting the development of CDC strips. These drugs include aspirin (ASA),18, 19 ACEI/ARB, CCB, cannabidiol (CBD)20 and coenzyme Q-10,21 as well as others. Several animal experiments and clinical trials showed, as chemo protective agents, statins (pravastatin, rosuvastatin) did not only prevent and decrease CHD and CVEs,22, 23 and not indicate an increase in over all cancer risk (simvastatin, pravastatin),24, 25 but also be protective against the development of DM and various cancers (lung cancer,26 pancreatic cancer,27 RCC,28 colon cancer29) , and PCOS (atorvastatin) (Table 4).30 That is to say, statins may help preventing and halting CDC strips. Glutathione (GSH) plays important roles in antioxidant defense, nutrient metabolism, and regulation of cellular events, and its deficiency contributes to oxidative stress, aging and the pathogenesis of many diseases,31 of course, including NCDs, especially CDC strips. Thus, the authors think that GSH is an effective cytoprotective chemo agent for treating NCD,32, 33 such as CDC strips (Table 4). As essential and critical trace elements and antioxidants, studies have indicated that selenium and zinc may play a role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and be useful for secondary prevention of CHD.34-36 However, their deficiency associated with numerous diseases including CVD, DM, and cancer.37, 38 Hence, these antioxidants may be useful as therapeutic agents for CDC strips. Besides, Vit D and n-3 fatty acids,39 and Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM),40-45 eg. Ginseng, Barbary Wolfberry fruit, Cordyceps militaris, Ganoderma lucidum, SR10 and Astragalus are also very helpful in the preventive of CDC strips (Table 4). Of course, when people dedicated to reducing morbidity and mortality from CDC strips, enhanced collaboration is critical because CDC strips share many RFs and opportunities for prevention, eg, by assessing and regularly updating an individual’s family history. As to a positive history of family, eg, patients with CHD and T2DM or cancer, just like successful gene therapies,46, 47 RNAi or knockout technology is a new choice when all strategies are no use, but need to evaluate its early and late effects as our trials.48, 49 At the same time, it still need to make sure the protection of some genes,50-52 not just medical hypotheses. Moreover, it’s necessary to identifies susceptibility loci when began RNAi or knockout technology.53, 54 An updated research showed that an intensive lifestyle intervention focusing on weight loss did not reduce the rate of CVEs in overweight or obese adults with T2DM.55 This confirmed that it needs comprehensive strategies, just like SEEDi, E (e )SEEDi, or HHLi, for CVD, T2DM, cancers, of course, including CDC strips, not just focusing on weight loss. Some times, it even needs RNAi. One of the authors’ goals is to stimulate substantial improvements in Grade 210 prevention, and early detection through collaboration between key organizations, greater public awareness about HHL, legislative action that results in funding and staff for and access to China Center of Research and Development for Hu’s Healthy Lifestyles (CCRDHHL, a preparatory organization we expect and an effective platform for prevention, early detection, and treatment of NCDs, especially CDC strips, programs and research, and emphasis of a series of new concepts authors conducted, and meets the need for curriculum-based health education regarding â€Å"the Grade 210 prevention†and motivation of people to incorporate HHL practices into their daily lives. 5. Clinical practice in CDC strips OOH syndrome the authors found and first named in 2006 is one of classic NCD and a synthetic killer which including 3 independent risk factors and characterized by â€Å"a shaped and sounded killer at night, but a shaped and no sounded killer at day†. According to the authors’ preliminary clinical data (manuscript not published yet), it’s high risk to occur T2DM, CHF and various acute CVEs, even cancers, eg. prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women. That is to say, it’s a status of pre-CDC strips, or already met a branch (Type A) of CDC strips. Recently, the authors found that a group of patients with hypertension which related to â€Å"new type stress†due to bad lifestyles, and named it for â€Å"C-type Hypertension (CtH)†. Its main clinical features are on that there is temporary absolutely increase or continuously slowly increase levels of human cortisol, a biomarker of CtH, and it often appears among young or middle aged subjects and is a new ignored killer due to easy to suffer from AMI, CHF, Stroke or SCD. Thus, CtH results from bad â€Å"SEED†bad lifestyle, not bad â€Å"Soil†â€â€genetic factors. Some patients with hypertension among OOH syndrome may diagnose as CtH because here obesity resulted from bad lifestyles. OOH syndrome and CtH are easy to develop to CDC strips if there are long-term lasting co-RFs which would lead to T2DM and cancers. SCD as an acute CVE, often occurs in patients with CHD, younger or older, especially in patients with OOH syndrome, CtH or CDC strips (Type A or B). And SCD often occurs as the endpoint event of CDC strips. Because both OOH syndrome or CtH and various SCD have the common RFs, that is to say, â€Å"Bad SEED†+/- â€Å"bad soil†, therefore, SEEDi, E (e)SEEDi, or HHLi is a good choice for halting the development of CDC strips in OOH syndrome or CtH and for removing RFs induced SCD. All in all, OOH syndrome, CtH, CDC strips, and SCD are highly linked, they need urgently SEEDi, E (e)SEEDi, or HHLi to enhance quality of life (QOL) and life expectancy, and the earlier, the better. Maybe people can call this â€Å"OCS status†(OOH-CDCs-SCD). Update, the authors developed general formula for management of human disease, especially NCDs, which including OOH syndrome and CDC Strips as follows: General Formula = 3Ãâ€"RT-ABCDEF + E (e)SEED-BasED + 210. As to detailed explanation of this formula, people may easy to know from above.
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