Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Bommai v Union - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1290 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Analytical essay Level High school Did you like this example? Chapter 5 Conclusions and Suggestions Before theBommai[i]decision was delivered, the Constitution of India excluded the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court when the President declared emergency. However, things are now clear that the Court can now scrutinize whether the power provided by Article 356 has been misused or used arbitrarily or that there is no relevant as well as reasonable material to substantiate that the state will not be able work as per the provisions of the Constitution. It is to be noted that the Supreme Court of Pakistan had taken a similar view even before the Supreme Court of India and it is now crystal clear that the abuse of Article 356 will not be entertained. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Bommai v Union" essay for you Create order It was the hope that Article 356 would only be used in the rarest cases and that it should be resorted to only if it was felt required or the only way to avoid disaster, or after resorting to every means it was the only way left. The Court at this point will see whether the direction of the action was coherent and whether the operation of the Article was valid. It cannot be denied that Article 356 has never been validly and legitimately used, and an obvious example of this when there Presidential rule declared in kerala in 1959 and also in over a hundred cases. The daring way in which the AIDMK demanded the termination of the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam ministry in Tamil Nadu clearly indicates that constitutional correctness is overshadowed by political dictates. TheBommai[ii]decision is a stern warning to the Centre and should remember that the Cabinet of the State is liable to the legislature of the state and as long as there is confidence that can be commanded, the Governorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s pleasure is just a constitutional understatement. In Shamser Singhs case[iii], there is a clear explanation of the President as well as the Governor. They are bound by the advice of the Cabinet and if they are to use their powers beyond their capacity, it would directly attract the Courts intervention as this would mean a violation of the provisions of the Constitution. When there is the strong demand that the state level democracy be dismissed by parties whether regional or even in the state level, it should not be entertained as such demands do not affect the Constitution and its message. Such an example is the cry made against the Bengal Government. The Governor in our country is only a formal head of the State and therefore has only a ritual functions in that capacity. But it cannot be denied that some of the powers of the Governor are quite effective powers. The advice of his Cabinet binds the Governor but he cannot blindly obey the mandates of the Uni on Government. The Governor must be an independent authority, his main aim to be totally subservient to the Constitutional provisions. The power of the President and the Governor include the asking for information, explanation and reconsideration. If these powers are used wisely, these functions of the Governor which includes referring of Bills to the President, for consideration and assent, makes the Governor a force not to be taken lightly. The Emergency powers of the President under Article 356 are usually the most spoken about and heavily discussed. It is unfortunate that that the remedial nature of the Article 356 have been perverted to impose the domination of Central Government over the state government. It cannot be denied that the article provides a huge amount of power to the Central government and the fact that it has been used numerous times just proves the fact that the hope of the founding fathers that the Article would remain a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"dead letterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ â„ ¢ has been dashed. It is ironic that despite the unsuccessful experience of the misuse of this provision during the British Raj in India, Article 356 was ultimately incorporated into the Constitution. In India, if we look into the history of Article 356 closely, we find that it is misused in two extremes-one being that its invocation being a misuse and the other being the failure to invoke emergency powers. For example after the fall of the Mayawati Government in the State of Uttar Pradesh[iv], it might have been justifiable to impose Presidentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s rule, but it was also important that it hold fresh elections as soon as possible. The malafide of the Union Executive in preventing the assumption of office by an unfavorable political entity become clearly manifest in Governor Bhandarià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s actions and the decision of the United Front Government at the Centre to impose Presidentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s rule in U.P. The worst damage may possibly have been thr ough the office of the Governor because the Governor cannot be held responsible for his or her actions. Another blatant misuse of Article 356 was the imposition of Presidents rule in the State of Gujarat from September 1996 to October 1996 following the incidents of violence indulged in by the members of the Gujarat legislative assembly. [v] Justice Soli Sorabjee[vi] pointed out that violence within the Assembly cannot be treated as an instance of failure of the Constitutional machinery, it would otherwise become very easy for[vii] malicious legislators to dissolve a duly elected legislative body by creating a pandemonium in the assembly and thereby prompting improper application of Article 356. The correct procedure to be followed in such a situation is to pass suitable legislation for disqualifying the guilty legislators.[viii] On the other extreme, the misuse of not invoking Article 356 is seen clearly in the ugly incident of the Godhara train incident on the 27th of Februa ry, 2002. It was reported that there were more than 100000 persons who were in refugee camps and that more than 30000 people were chargesheeted. I clearly feel that these figures were enough for the government to have taken an action under Article 355 and 356. Looking at the past events in history and the problems caused due to the misuse of Article 356, it cannot be denied that a darker side to Indian democracy is being portrayed. However, the intervention of the Supreme Court after the Bommai case, coupled with the guidelines of the Sarkaria Commission clearly show that Article 356 should be used only in the rarest cases and that the Union Government should not exploit the Article for their personal benefit. According to me the following are the requirements that should be made in Article 356: 1) The report of the Governor should be submitted to the President and the Chief Justice of the concerned State High Court. Only when there is a unanimous agreement that the State C onstitutional machinery has failed, it is then that the Presidentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s rule should be imposed. 2) The satisfaction of the President should literally be the satisfaction of the President and not the Union Government. 3) The word à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“or otherwiseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ should be removed from Article 356 because it gives power to the Central Government to declare state emergency without the report of the Governor. 4) The President of India should work according to the provisions of the Constitution of India and not according to the whims of the party in power in the Union Government. 5) Lastly, before the proclamation of an emergency the Governorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s report and the satisfaction of the President on the Governorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s report must be published in all daily newspapers. ENDNOTES [i] S.R.Bommai v Union of India, AIR 1994 SC 1918. [ii] S.R.Bommai v Union of India, AIR 1994 SC 1918. [iii] Shamser v. State of Punjab, 1974 AIR 2192, 1975 SCR (1) 814. [iv] http;//www., accessed on 29/04/2014. [v] of- legislative- powers, accessed on 29/04/2014. [vi] http;//www., accessed on 29/04/2014. [vii] http;//www., accessed on 29/04/2014 [viii] http;//, accessed on 29/04/2014
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Human Sacrifice And The Gods Essay - 1360 Words
Blood dripped down off the sacrificial table as the priest cuts out the man’s heart to offer it to the gods.â€Å" The occurrence of human sacrifice can usually be related to the recognition of human blood as the sacred life force†(â€Å"Human Sacrificing†). The thought of human sacrificing may seem inhuman or uncivilized; however, in the ancient times, it was considered a prayer for better times. Human sacrificing was not only a ritual act to earn a god s favor, but also for a greater cause. Usually people would benefit luck, fertility for the land, and to win a war. Although, there’s evidence of animals being sacrificed to please the gods.â€Å"The killing of a human being, or the substitution of an animal for a person, has often been part of an attempt to commune with a god and to participate in divine life†(â€Å"Human Sacrificing†). By looking at ancient text or hieroglyphics, it has been shown that human sacrificing was intended to hel p in warfare, avert disaster, a good year of harvest, or even fertility. The idea of human sacrifice has shown up in many different cultures and practiced on a number of different occasions. There exists evidence to prove that Mayan, Aztec, and Greek made use of sacrifice to please the gods. Nonetheless, there are many similarities between the three cultures when it comes to human sacrificing. In the three cultures, human sacrificing was very common practice. The three cultures would usually sacrifice humans to please and to please the gods. One of theShow MoreRelatedGod, The, And Human Sacrifice968 Words  | 4 PagesTestament, is full of instances of animal and human sacrifice. Initially, Israel was not united, and became united in their purpose to worship Yahweh, who is the lord that resides in the mountains. Worship involved the presentation of a number sacrifices. 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In Genesis, God asked for aRead MoreHuman Sacrifice Is Important Matter And Human Behavior1663 Words  | 7 PagesHuman sacrifice Yizhuo Chen 12/21/2016 Human sacrifice is an important matter and human behavior in prehistory in the evolution of ancient civilization. It is the act of killing human. Usually human sacrifice comes with deity as a ritual activity. Throughout history, human sacrifice has been practiced in diverse cultures and different civilizations. As far as I know, there are some bizarre methods of human sacrifice in history. In Ancient Egypt, pharaohs had theRead MoreThe Aztec Human Sacrifices Essay1175 Words  | 5 PagesThe Aztec civilization was a very complex society that was feared and known well for their various gory sacrifices done to please their many gods in their polytheistic religion. The much feared civilization began by the exile of one of the two Toltec leaders, which lead to the decline of the Toltec state that was later replaced by Mexica, or the Aztecs. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Healthy Food vs Junk Food free essay sample
Food is significant factor to the maintenance, development, functioning and reproduction of life. During lifetime an individual consumes 30 tons of food on average in seemingly endless dietary varieties. According to De Vries (1997), however, digestion splits all the foods found in all this variety of diets into the same basic nutrients. Food, therefore, is chemistry, and the mixture of chemicals that are represented and divided into four basic categories: (1) nutrients; (2) non-nutritive naturally occurring components (including antinutritives2 and natural toxins); (3) man-made contaminants; and (4) additives. At that, the nutrients account for more than 99. 9% of the food contents. The main classes of nutrients are: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins, and minerals. The constituents of food are called macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients are the major sources of energy and building materials for humans, while micronutrients are only required in relatively small amounts. Micronutrients can be found in vitamins, minerals and trace elements, and are still required in sufficient amounts to ensure proper functioning of all body cells. We will write a custom essay sample on Healthy Food vs Junk Food or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In addition, micronutrients, like water, do not provide energy. The majority of macronutrients are essential nutrients for life processes, produced by human body itself. Therefore, these essential nutrients can be received only from the food we eat. Most importantly, macronutrients are constituent and indispensable ingredients of our diets, found in: carbohydrates, fat, protein, water (Wilson, 2005). There are various reasons set to analyze food products, the main are as follows:  assessment of product quality, overall research and development, accordance with legal and labeling requirements, detection of adulteration, determination of nutritive value. Through the application of relevant analysis methods, we gain scientific data about chemical composition, physical properties and structure of food ingredients. Nutritionists therefore suggest several guidelines of healthy nutrition, for example: (1) Consuming various foods; (2) Consuming plenty of fruits; (3) Consuming food rich in fiber; (4) Consuming less alcohol Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy and should constitute the main ingredient of entire daily intake. In actual fact, there are two types of carbohydrates: simple carbohydrates, i. . , sugar and honey, and complex carbohydrates, i. e. , grains, beans, peas or potatoes. Complex carbohydrates are more nourishing, yet, have fewer calories per gram compared to fat, and cause fewer problems with over-nutrition than fat or sugar. Additionally, diabetics prefer carbohydrates, since they allow better blood glucose control. Fat provides energy and transport nutrients. There are two types of fatty acids consid ered as essential for the human body: omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These acids are required by the body to ensure normal functionality. At that, they are received from cold-water fish, or fish oil, and any other components that comprise omega-3 fatty acids, and black current seed oil, which comprise omega-6 fatty acids. For example, the typical American diet often includes surplus of omega-6 fatty acids and insufficient amount of omega-3 fats. The increased consumptions of omega-63 oils are highly recommended to decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer etc. Proteins provide amino-acids to build and support healthy body tissue. In fact, there are 20 essential amino-acids, and therefore a body should be filled with all of them to function properly. Normally, the body produces twelve of these amino-acids; however, the other eight are the result of appropriate diet. Foods of animal origin such as milk or eggs often contain all these essential amino-acids, while a great number of plant products should be consumed in a certain combination to provide all these necessary protein components. Nutrition is deemed functional on condition that it beneficially influences various body functions. Functional foods mainly consist of vitamins and minerals normally consumed by humans. Overall, these additives are approved and recommended by most governments, and are well-known to everyone (Food Additives and Ingredients, 2007). To this end, Vitamins are components of organic origin present in food and necessary to our body. The most widely known vitamins are: A, B1, B2, and B3 (niacin), B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C (ascorbic acid), D, E, and K. The B and C vitamins are soluble in water, while A, D, E, and K vitamins are fat-soluble, and accumulated in the body fat. In turn, minerals are important to our life because they are the main building blocks that create muscles, tissue, and bones. Additionally, they are significant components of many important life systems, in particular, hormones, oxygen transport, and enzyme systems. At that, there are two types of minerals: the main (macro) minerals and the trace minerals. A body in considerable amounts requires Main minerals. Particularly, main minerals include sodium, potassium, sulphur etc, required to build muscles, blood, nerve cells, teeth and bones. The main minerals and trace minerals are required in small amounts due to the fact that they are very significant to our body. These important minerals participate in the majority of chemical reactions run in a body. Additionally, they are important to produce hormones. Calcium is one another important mineral. More than 99% of calcium is stored in body, mainly in bones and teeth to keep them strong. The rest is stored in blood, muscles and cells. It is important to get calcium from the foods rich in it, including: milk, cheese and yogurt, green vegetables etc. Those of us who do not consume enough calcium should take calcium supplements. The exact amount of calcium depends on age and other factors; however, children and teenagers need more calcium compared to adults. Aged women need calcium to prevent osteoporosis, which weakens the bones that are likely to get broken. Half of women and men under 50 get their bones broken due to osteoporosis. Therefore, a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D keep bones strong. Weight issues have always influenced American society, involving health, psychological and socio-emotional considerations. Too much weight, obesity, skinniness, on the other hand, is those pressures that trouble every American since they include certain abnormalities at the time when everyone strives to achieve perfect shape (Izquierdo, 2005). Well-balanced diet provides energy and nourishment necessary to survive, and therefore to be healthy and in good shape it is important to provide our body with all the necessary resources and fuels to be in good condition (Lysol, 2006). Hence, an unhealthy diet and physical inactivity can increase your chances of getting heart disease, cancer, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, breathing problems, arthritis, gallbladder disease, and osteoarthritis (HHS 1). According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion and the U.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Taming of the Shrew Ten Things I Hate About You free essay sample
Taming of the Shrew Ten Things I Hate About You Several hundred years separate ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ and 10 Things I Hate About You, are women represented any differently in today’s society? (M) Hello there, and welcome to S. A. S. otherwise known as the Shakespeare Appreciation Society. My name’s Mandella and we’re here live at Hathaway’s Theatre. Today we’re going to look at the differences between good ol’ will’s ‘Taming of the Shrew’ and its movie adaptation ’10 Things I Hate About You’ and to help us understand the difference between the portrayal of woman in Shakespeare’s time and now, we’ve invited Julia Stiles to come and have a chat. Yes, ladies and gentleman, our very own Katarina Stratford from the movie ’10 Things I Hate About You. ’ Welcome Julia, it’s so nice to have you in the theatre with us today! (J) Thanks so much for having me! I love your show and I’m so glad to be here. We will write a custom essay sample on Taming of the Shrew Ten Things I Hate About You or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (M) Well, that’s nice of you to say. Now, onto business – Julia, you play Kat in the movie; what is it like to act like that – I mean, she’s not your stereotypical girl is she? And she doesn’t let Patrick walk all over her. How different is it to play someone like that in comparison to a character like Bianca? (J) It’s certainly a breath of fresh air, to be able to play someone who is rebellious and stubborn, she’s not sorry for who she is and she doesn’t try to be. Kat is more aligned with the audience in this way, she can see how ridiculous the other girls will act in order to get the boys attention, she knows how far she herself went to get Joey’s. I don’t believe Kat was absolutely removed from that, she still behaves like a typical teenage girl when she becomes interested in Patrick, at least subtly – her clothes become less ‘rambo’-esque and she suddenly turns from this isolated, sullen, non-conformist teenager in to someonewho wants to go to prom, who wants to have a boyfriend and ultimately, at the end of the movie we see her crying – something that the ‘Old’ Kat wouldn’t have done; show her weaknesses or reveal anything that would be seen as a ‘girly’ characteristic. Taming of the Shrew: Cliques/Groups: High school hierarchy of Padua High. Even though the AV Geeks have somewhere to fit in (illustrating that everyone has some group that they belong to) Kat doesn’t have a group. Having all the little groups with their idiosyncrasies creates humour e. g. the white Rastafarians, who are white but speak with Jamaican accents. Some males represented in the film, like Joey Donner behave and treat women as their own object, only using them for their own possession and to gain popularity and status â€Å"Money I’ve got, this I’ll do for fun. Joey views Bianca as compliant and as a ‘trophy’ – the prize. When Cameron sees Bianca, he quotes Lucentio in taming of the shrew â€Å"I burn, I pine, I perish. †This emphasises the superficial value placed on love. â€Å"I like my skechers but I LOVE my prada handbag†is a symbol of Bianca’s superficiality, her floral dress is both a symbol of purity, youth and femin inity but also of provocative meanings because of the cut of the dress. Kat’s Speech: We see her transforming from her more sullen, isolated, non-conformist, emotionally restrictive, stubborn teenager to a more feminine side of her – expresses more feelings emotionally wise, she reveals her feelings, in the beginning through anger in the speech – starts crying (emotional release). Expressing these true feelings, emotional release – crying. Represents how Patrick has ‘broken’ her, like in the taming of the shrew. Links with Kate’s last speech in taming of the shrew, shows her transformation that Petruchio has tamed her like Kat has been ‘tamed’ by Patrick made her get in touch with her feelings, impacted on her. A turning point for Kat, Close up shots of her and Patrick – 2 main characters – identifying their emotions. Dramatic finish by running out of the room. Close up on Patrick – look on his face – absorbing what she was saying, looked guilty. The Party: Bianca’s wearing a red dress, shows that she wants to get noticed but the pearl necklace is a symbol of purity. Kat doesn’t care in the beginning, but after she has drunk a bit she gets in to it. Her costume is casual and ‘rambo’-esque, everyone else is dressed. Everyone at the party has a motive, Joey and Bianca to get with each other. Beginning Camera pans across a pristine neighbourhood suggesting affluence. Music is calm and relaxing – Bianca â€Å"sunshine all around me, makes me happy, like I should be†Sudden change in music – heavy rock = Kat The bell Jar – Feminine Book – Sylvia Plath’s seen as Kat’s role model. â€Å"Sometimes being a woman is an act of courage Kat’s clothes also demonstrate her non conformist’s attitudes towards the world around her. Highly unfeminine light â€Å"Make anyone cry today? †.. â€Å"Hello precious†– Kisses dad in the cheek ( innocent) Director convey message that Bianca is the ideal woman in a way as compared to her sister. Facial expression – convey feelings of excitement and joy – I got in. â€Å"Isn’t Sarah Lawrence on the other side of the country†â€Å"thus the basis of its appeal†Kat reinforces the idea that she wants it be independent like her feminine role models. In this scene it becomes evident to us that Kat and Bianca’s father is very protective – father and daughter relationship – Theme Father – enforces the rule of â€Å"no dating till you graduate†– Low angle shot is used to portray the father as significant and more powerful than Bianca and Kat – objects to the idea of dating. The concept of marriage has been appropriated into the idea of dating as the film focuses on younger generation. Modern culture girls feel they are put into the pressure of having a boyfriend and dating. – Bianca. â€Å"Planet loser†Planet look at me look at me – Shows how Kat is against conforming Father cleverly enforces rule of â€Å"you can date when Kat does†as Kat doesn’t date – Smug ‘I’ve had a win’. â€Å"Unwashed miscreants†– Teenage Boys – Someone who looks for trouble. Shake – Bianca seems to be the favoure d daughter of her father and the image of the ideal women. Both family homes are set in an affluent area of town and the control of the family patriarch 10 – Father is more protective TS – Father is more about the money and dowry, and status of the area they live in. Sporting Metaphor: Kat and father connect = more freedom no longer in control of their lives, just a spectator Zoom on face = intimacy Music – calm and letting go of daughter Father/daughter relationship Contrast TS – marriage gave you status – did not marry = spinster â€Å"Bianca still lets me play a few things you’ve had me on the bench for years†Baptista – Petruchio – may have all these things; wealth and family reputation; but you must have her love. Father is reconnecting with daughter showing his love by letting her go. TS – He will only let Katherina go, if he only has her love. He won’t let her go freely. Paintball scene: Lyrics chorus â€Å"I’m surprised that you’ve never been told before.. that you’re lovely and you’re perfect and somebody wants you†Patrick’s feelings – Fascinating new thing – Song Title â€Å"I want you to love me†– Represents Patrick’s feelings Both wearing white – purity of their relationship and mutual feeling towards each other No dialogue – Showing their relationship growing. After they had a good day she questions his motifs â€Å"what’s in it for you†contrast against the two moods in that day. Camera Angles – Given a wide shot of many people later that on Kat and Patrick are present. Paintball hitting Kat – Strong relationship – Hits us in the face. Because it is a romantic comedy, it’s just the two of them. She is squealing like a girl – Out of character. Angles focusing on t hem and everyone is gone – Shown the development Contrast to the mewling rampalian wretch Shows her transformation Scene where Michael introduces Cameron to the groups of the school: †¢Each has a specific name They have their own little clique where they feel comfortable †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Basic beautiful people†– Popular †¢You can’t talk to them unless they talk to you first †¢Audio and Visual geeks -Even if you are not popular, you still have a clique with, you fit their expectations, you belong somewhere -MBA – Ivy Leagues -Shows the high school hierarchy of Padua High -If you don’t fit those expectations there will always be a group that you fit the expectation off. †¢There is a group for everyone, except for her = Total isolate †¢Having all the little groups with their idiosyncrasy creates humour – E. g. he white Rastafarians who are white but speak Jamaican †¢Joy Donner they treat woman as their own o bject – like a possession to gain their status and popularity â€Å"money I’ve got this I’ll do for fun††¢Compliant DO whatever he says – Bianca â€Å"Because I’m just so fantastic††¢Joey – Views Bianca as a trophy a prize – she’ll do anything to be with me †¢When Cameron sees Bianca â€Å"I Burn I pine I Perish†Superficial characteristics of love, based on appearance †¢See a distinct division in the different groups – clothes they wear depends on their status †¢Softness innocence and purity in the dress Bianca ways but also gives a different meaning of being provocative and getting attention †¢Bogey’s House (The Group) -Eating Brea -It’s opulent -Crystal ornaments -Cigars -There were no females in the group -Grown up too fast as older men -Too good for the teenagers -Different Class -Group of all stuffy men doing business deals – Represent Katâ €™s Speech We see her transforming from a isolated solid non-conformist emotionally restrictive stubborn teenager, to a more feminine side of her – Express more feelings, emotional wise, for the first time we see her reveal her feelings, in the beginning through anger, the speech – she reveals herself through her crying †¢Her release of emotions – Sign of emotional release †¢Expressing these true feelings, deep feelings. †¢A turning point for Kat †¢Close up shots on her and Patrick – 2 main characters – Identify their emotions. †¢Dramatic finish by running out of the room †¢Emphasises her breakthrough of Patrick â€Å"taming†her †¢Transformation †¢Links with Katherina’s speech in TS †¢Speaks on how women should follow and obey the ways of men, that it is their expectations. Patrick has â€Å"Tamed†or more shown her a different side, be in touch of feelings again. Had an impact on her †¢Close of up of Patrick – Look on his face; Taking it in, he looked guilty, regret, taken back, he hadn’t seen that side of her either. It’s his fault. Focused on the two of them. Everyone knows what has happened. †¢Being true to herself †¢Patrick’s face = more remorseful Pre party Scene: -Music starts = party begins -Contrast to the room where they are all classical and peaceful -Focused on the legs – stampede – like animals = Crash the party -Music upbeat and very techno – Chaotic – Juxtaposed and contrasted to the lounge room scene – Bogey’s and his friends = Woollen Vests = very civilised Bianca at the party: Red dress and pearls = Bianca wants to be noticed, no longer â€Å"pure†showing herself off with the red dress, however with the white pearls – she can still be pure = can’t get any. Giving mixed messages -Doesn’t care for the party – Kat -Her co stume is more Rambo and casual -Restricted until she gets drunk -Everyone in the party has a ulterior motive – Joey = To get Bianca -Bianca = To Be with Joey -Cameron – To talk to Bianca -The only two who don’t have a motif at the party are Kat and Patrick -Michael is on the prowl -Animalistic image – They are on the prowl /hunt for something -Chastity – Very superficial – Wants Joey as well ; Two faced opportunist backstabber compliant â€Å"I can come†â€Å"I don’t have to be homeâ€
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